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What was the best part of your day?

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When I finally finished a book I was reading (I have to return it tomorrow so if I didn't finish it today it would take some time before I could borrow it again..)

when i came across my big brother in the street with his bike,and that he stayed with me until i reached my house  :keke:
i'm so happy when i'm with him,i miss him so much  :sweatdrop:

Thinking my wife is in trouble for spamming the chains section while I'm not here. ^^

having a grade of 94 in anatomy (subject where we draw REAL humans) !!! yay! i'm so happy!!! and my former classmates said that i'm going to have a hard time in anatomy coz  i draw too much anime! hah! they're going to eat their words!!! hahahahahahah!!!

^ WOW well done. i really like studying human anatomy as well.

The best part of my day is listening to xmas songs... lol, yeah i kno it's early but meh! it's getting me ready... :P


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