General Discussions > The "What" Board

What was the best part of your day?

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Having the room to myself.

Director of Music:
Finding more Thomas Kretschmann pictures  :icon_thumleft:

um not havening to go to work cuz I was sick

I just got a free spazzed at the moment......they only thing it needs is a new battery and a new paint job, but other then that the car is a classic.......and so very very free........ahhhhh you have nooooo idea how my day has been improved. The only reasons why I'm getting the car for free, it was given to me by a customer I see in the morning for breakfest to the place I work at,  was because he said I smiled all the time, treated him kindly, along with his family and friends, never raised by voice to them, and going to college.

See good things come to those who wait.

Miss Jenni-Maie:

--- Quote from: Smile_For_Me on August 19 2007, 12:56 pm ---See good things come to those who wait.

--- End quote ---

So very true in my case....
My best part of the day....just looking forward to my date tomorrow :P I think I  can already guess what the best part of my day tomorrow will be (and my worst...stupid work)


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