General Discussions > The "What" Board

What was the worst part of your day?

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waking up 1'oclock in the morning because of a really bad stomache ache....  :dodge:

Sailor Yue-chan:
one of my friends quiting the internet completely and deleting his account on his board  :(

my best friend not coming to visit

having a hard time to breathe in a point that i have to drink that awful tasting medicine! *faints*

--- Quote from: Kuro-puppy on June 10 2006, 04:30 am ---my best friend not coming to visit

--- End quote ---
aww... im sorry.. and you were so excited about him coming...

EDIT: knowing that pretty-sempai won't post here and won't hang out here on the forums that much anymore... :cry:

Hikari B.:
Missing Yu-Gi-Oh End Game, the last episode because I was at my brother's graduation! T_T


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