General Discussions > The "What" Board

What was the worst part of your day?

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still having trouble adjusting my pc screen :angry:

Sailor Yue-chan:
getting in a fight with my mom. WHY IS IT ALWAYS MY FAULT?? *cry*

Memorizing a poem for Filipino subject.. T_T (darn it, I hate school! >_<)

YnH forum going knockout......*emo sob*


--- Quote from: Kuro-puppy on June 19 2006, 01:52 am ---YnH forum going knockout......*emo sob*

--- End quote ---
Thought it was my browser's problem when they directed me to a page where they said there's a problem with the layout. ._. Now that I checked again it went on maintenance mode. ;_;

That and loads of homework. @.@


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