General Discussions > The "What" Board

What was the worst part of your day?

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My dad yelling at me, saying that I have no life, and that computers will ruin my life


--- Quote from: Ashlee on June 25 2006, 09:58 am ---My dad yelling at me, saying that I have no life, and that computers will ruin my life

--- End quote ---

Same  :cry: and on my birthday!

Take my sister with me and my friend around Universal Studios Citywalk and having her annoy me half to death.  She commented on every sentence that came out of my mouth.  I was tempted to slap her...

Aww.... *huggles*

Back to the topic: Homework, this day T_T, and my worst current subject: T.L.E. >_<

Right now... because it's nearly 5am and I can't sleep ><


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