General Discussions > The "What" Board

What was the worst part of your day?

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Sailor Yue-chan:
me and my mom were going to office depot via the fastest route we know and ended up in the middle of the anual auto show -_-

Not being able to watch CCS all day as i was working

hearing from a former classmate who studies in the same university as woofie-chan.. that woofie-chan suddenly collapsed in their class... :cry:


--- Quote from: tsukihime on July 10 2006, 04:50 pm ---hearing from a former classmate who studies in the same university as woofie-chan.. that woofie-chan suddenly collapsed in their class... :cry:

--- End quote ---

She did? :cry:

Another thing is accidentally reading through my girlfriend's phone outbox.

My Classmate Rosen (Kuro_woof), passed out a while ago. i was terrified and and didn't know what to do. i hope she's better by now.


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