General Discussions > The "What" Board

What was the worst part of your day?

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knowing that my crush has a girlfriend already.. :cry:

Figuring out that not too many people are online at 2:00 am.


--- Quote from: .:sightless:. on July 19 2006, 12:46 am ---knowing that my crush has a girlfriend already.. :cry:

--- End quote ---

:( *hugs woof-chan* There there....

Worst part: My koibito saying something that saddens me everytime I think of it.... ._.

I just woke up and I have already been attacked buy falling plates and shards of glass.

getting home late....

  i really have to say this! we were having our NSTP orientation last wednesday while we don't have classes... i don't know (WE don't know) that we should wear our school uniform... this guard was asking us why we are not in our school uniform. i said im going to get my PE uniform in my locker.. he was asking that over and over again... and he called us arrogant! (-_-) when im finally in my PE uniform.. (can i say it in our language?)

'gusto ko talagang isupalpal sa pagmumukha nya yung PE uniform ko!
(i really want to shove my PE uniform in his face that time!)

he also said that he's going to give us a record of misbehaviour! (i want to tell him 'who are you to give us a record of misbehaviour? you're the one who's being arrogant! not us!) -_-*


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