General Discussions > The "What" Board

What was the worst part of your day?

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Director of Music:
Not being able to find my Harvest Moon game >.< :cry:

Sailor Yue-chan:
everything :(

SOMEone ate all the entemins danishes, i got blamed (sure i DID eat a COUPLE, but i didnt eat 10!!!)
mom decided to buy the reduced price wtater bottles, just because i pointed them out. yeah i CONVICED her into buying 41 bottles of marked down battles!!
then i had an idea, insted of putting all 41 bottles on the conveyer belt, i put them all into the crate we were using and shove it down to the bagging ariea. -_- aparently taht was a bad idea.

why do i have such bad luck all the time!!?? :(

fighting with my dad

sitting thru a 90-min timeshare tour that ended up lasting for 5 hours.....  -_-

Not being able to move my left arm that much... again -_-


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