General Discussions > The "What" Board

What was the worst part of your day?

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Still the same although much better than before :tongue3: but it still hurts :(

--- Quote from: Heero on July 24 2006, 04:47 pm ---^....don't'll get better soon enough....

--- End quote ---
Aww.. Thanks for caring *^_^*

--- Quote from: Heero on July 24 2006, 04:47 pm ---Worst part of the day....
People who do not understand my personality......

--- End quote ---

Some people always misunderstand others so it's natural.. Don't think about it too much :)

My mom being annoying

my mom and dad ganging up on me and fussing me out for something the kid across the street did....  -_-

Remembering i have work tomorrow

Something sore inside my mouth


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