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What was the worst part of your day?

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One of my contacts ripping... That was my last set of contacts, and my new contacts won't be in until Friday or Saturday. T_T

Carrying out the newspapers... I hate it... The only good thing about it is the money.


--- Quote from: Kjesta on August 17 2006, 05:16 am ---Carrying out the newspapers... I hate it... The only good thing about it is the money.

--- End quote ---

can you bring me the next manga of Tsubasa then dear Kjesta factor  :keke:?

when my grandmother persecuted me on the phone to know if her house hadn't yet burned while she was on holidays  :angry:...i don't care about her house,i just don't want the computer to be destroyed  :haha:

going to a meeting which i didn't want to go to... but it turned out okies in the end.

when my father phoned has been already three weeks that he went on holidays without giving any news since,what was he thinking  :angry:?


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