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What was the worst part of your day?

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when i found out that i couldn't play with my PS2 because i have lent my tap to my cousin...i will get it back AT ONCE  :angry:


--- Quote from: renaya on September 02 2006, 06:38 pm ---Just have yumcha today, and it's like I spilt everything on the table : chili sauce, tea, soy sauce, even the foods >_< , and among my friends, only my part of table is dirty.... :sweatdrop:

--- End quote ---

awwww... poor renaya. i'm always messy so my part of the table is always full of spills and crumbs :tongue3:

my worst part is feeling absolutely miserable...

when i forgot AGAIN to ask my cousin to bring me back my tap of PS2  :cry:
(i'm so absent-minded  :angry:)

My comp being evil>.<

Experiencing internet lag...


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