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What was the worst part of your day?

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Loss one of my earings while at uni and almost lost my ipod , see.. when I get on the bus, I realize I don't have it, and when I looked outside, and there it is, my ipod under the bench at bus stop, so I rushed telling the driver to wait and quickly pick my ipod, I kinda embarrased myself because people on the bus and bus stop just looked at me oddly (not sure and I don't wanna know ><)

my crush didn't talk to me today...i think i must've hurt his feelings :(

My Comp trying to Crash and I'm sorry Nectar Rain p.q

when i missed my bus to go to work...and this is just the first day of my resumed  :sweatdrop:

I suddenly got sick (felt dizzy with pain on my nape and head) while working out. My computer hung up on me at work, I never got to finish my paperwork, and now my girlfriend was robbed of all her money! T_T


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