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What was the worst part of your day?

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Waking up with a leg cramp again. -_-


--- Quote from: SailorYue on May 25 2006, 01:21 pm ---it hasnt happened yet, but when my mom finds out the winner of idol...Show contentshe is so going to be pissed, and yelling, blaming me and my brother cuz we couldnt get thru via the land line...can i hide out at someone's hosue while she watches it? ;_;
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Well is she cheering for Show contentthe guy then you don't have to worry

My brother.....

fell down when on the dancing performance... :sweatdrop:

downloaded a yuri PV... ( strawberry panic ending theme - secret doll)

Sailor Yue-chan:

--- Quote from: Kairi on May 25 2006, 10:59 pm ---Well is she cheering for Show contentthe guy then you don't have to worry

My brother.....

--- End quote ---
no, she was cheering for least it wasnt as bad as i thought it would be. she really liked that she was singing with meatloaf ^^;;

oddly, the worst part of my day was comming across a FaixSyaoran YAOI fanfic on (NO I DIDNT READ IT) i gotta find some kurofainess to get that out of my head :cry: its jsut weird, sick and wrong. (no offence to the authr...i jsut find it sick and wrong for that kind of pfic with taht kind of pairng V_V) T_T


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