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What was the worst part of your day?

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My try to draw a beautyful pic but... yeah...
it STAYS just a try!!! X_x
Falling down the stairs with two teacups full with hot water...

Oh right! And realizing that my english is awful!

But it was a nice day after all! Q.Q

Bailing sewer water out of the sump tank. O_O We've been having tons of rain, which is normal, but yesterday the basement flooded and we've been mopping, bailing, and de-humidifying ever since.

when i saw the the excerpts of episode 52 of Tsubasa Reservoir first reaction was "NOT AGAIN???",and many bad words that are not welcome on the forum  :dodge:


--- Quote from: Tatasenko on November 05 2006, 07:31 am ---when i saw the the excerpts of episode 52 of Tsubasa Reservoir first reaction was "NOT AGAIN???",and many bad words that are not welcome on the forum :dodge:

--- End quote ---

I have also seen it and I really didn't like -
Show contentthe ending, the third season isn't starting with the tokyo arc afterall. It seems like it will be more fillers then.

When I realized that I have to go to school tomorrow.......*don't wanna*


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