General Discussions > The "What" Board

What was the worst part of your day?

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--- Quote from: Sandra-chan on November 05 2006, 07:39 am ---I have also seen it and I really didn't like -

--- End quote ---

Beetrain really want to die,there is no other explication  :shifty:

when my stomach hurt me badly all the day and that i had to settle the problem in the WC...i spare you the details  -_-

When I was about to study for tomorrow's test, and I didn't find my book...... I'm lost....   :sad5:

When I had to get up at 6 AM to get ready for school........I'm reeaally tired right now.

when at work i get scolded by my boss because during the school meals i gave two fruits instead of one to a child...really,if it would have been an hamburger i would have understood,but a orange is not going to get fat someone  :sweatdrop:

Work. 'nuff said.


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