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What was the worst part of your day?

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the new of a cute nice boy.. that was beated practically to death by some jerks.. just cuz he was gay!!! omg.. i'm so damn pissed--  i don't wish them death cuz its to soft-- i wish them the worst things ever.. what they ******* deserve

--- Quote from: Tenkuuken on November 05 2006, 04:44 am ---My legs.... I can't move them...

--- End quote ---


cold wind hiting my face wean walking home

a girl thing

when i saw Kazemon15 set...the pictures are cute but this is just the couple that is drawing that i can't bear  :haha:

I went with my cousin to buy her birthday's gift to a lots of stores. We were searching like 4 hours, and that silly girl just finally bought a 6 dollars pink wallet   :dodge: , what a waste of time...


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