General Discussions > The "What" Board

What was the worst part of your day?

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Waking up. After all the stress and pain I underwent yesterday, I'm now stiff and aching all over.

Woke up with a headache..

--- Quote from: ~Bloody_Rose~ on April 23 2007, 02:17 pm ---a TRC fan claiming that the manga has only 18 volumes currently... >.< and she kept on saying that she's right and said that i'm lying...

i gave her the link in the MSN groups and i said:

"do your research before you lie!!!"

so annoying.. >.>

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whoa, easy there. I doubt she was lying, you shouldn't get so mad at someone like that.
I think what she did was check the TRC Wiki Page, since that's where some people get information from, if you want to change the page and update it yourself then it would be greatly appreciated :3 you could even assign one of the TRC members here or on those MSN groups to casually update it from time to time, easier for us all then ^_^


--- Quote from: Super Sailor Yue on April 21 2007, 07:26 am ---my 4th mp3 player dying/. this one lasted 3 days upon receipt :(

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What kind of MP3 player do you have? ...Lasts only 3 days?  That's really bad, cheap and basically a rip-off...I have a video  80 gig Ipod...and that lasts me a LONG time...except the older versions of Ipod have alot of bugs in them...I know my older Ipod died at least 5 times in one my mom got pissed and ranted at the Best Buy Geek Squad and they got scared and gave me a new video one ^^ [...ironically, it was CHEAPER than what I paided for the older one anyone, so they had to give me more stuff to match the price ^^]

sam mogford:
that bloody english test

Waking up early only realizing I did NOT have to work today  :-[


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