General Discussions > The "What" Board

What was the worst part of your day?

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Sailor Yue-chan:
aha. figured itd be something. Mom's tv is dying, and its aparently all my fault...which, it ISNT. turned the tv on and suddenly the thing is color blind. blue is green, red is blue and people are purple. i dont know what happened, but since i turned the TV on, i aparently broke it. its als odying cuz i never dust it. i do the outside and screen yes. its impossible to keep dust from going inside the damn thing.

betcha if jesse'd turn it on, ishe wouldnt've yelled at HIM.

the TV dying also erased the happy mood i got my mom into earlier yesterday.

why must i always be the scapegoat???

Miss Jenni-Maie:
Studying for a billion different tests.
I hate exam week.

Sailor Yue-chan:
mom's computer dying from a virus, thus erasing my music. :(
being yelled at non stop while working with my family. (this includes derogitory statements, implicateing that i was terrible as a kid, etc)

`*pats sailor yue*-- know.. you shouldn't mind what they say--- cuz its the true-- we will be never good enough for them

almost faiting in the bathroom and hitting my head with the wall -__-;

Sailor Yue-chan:
once again getting yelled at by my mom (WHAT THE HELL DID I DO!?), therefore causing me to wolf down quickly half a pepperoni cheesesteak hoagie. now i feel dizzy and nausious for doing that >_<


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