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What was the worst part of your day?

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--- Quote from: Super Sailor Yue on August 03 2007, 05:34 pm ---being yelled at, and hit in the arm, for making HER bed "stupid and retarded"
she seems to think that all i did was sit around and not do anything, whereas she DID see me strip the bed. im soory i made it not to HER liking :cry:

its barely 3 hrs into my birthday and already i fee like crap :cry:

--- End quote ---

*hugs* awwww that sucks.

My worst part is going to work...

Miss Jenni-Maie:
Getting sun burnt!
I can never tan....just burn.....

Sailor Yue-chan:
ouch. ive been burnt before... freshman year of highschool, went to dorney park and spent the whole day at the water park. didnt apply enough sun screen and ended up with 2nd degree burns >_<

Sailor Yue-chan:
getting yelled at for reasons i have no idea. and some how ending up on the "shit list of the night" -_-

having to put up with my little brothers crap, IE: were at Pathmark, and near the freezers there used to be this shelf full of Beanie Babies. I make a remark "aw, they took down all the beanies" and my brother makes this "shff-t" sound while making a choping motion with his hand. like im not allowed to talk. =__=  {i definatly know that my opinion never matters to these 2. ever v.v }

having to put up with the fact that, when my brother makes a silly mistake [such as dropping something back in the basket while trying to put it in a bag] , mom jokes with him. and i know for a fact, that if i'd made that same mistake id' get yelled at for being careless and stupid :(

humph I feel you my mom does the same thing *sigh*

Open house is today.... ugh...


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