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What was the worst part of your day?

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-hug yue-
my wrost part.. being in reality.. i guess.. it sucks hell
and the pain in my back =__= owie.. i'm old

Sailor Yue-chan:
8im familiar with back pains. i got scoliosis, and it hurts sometimes >.<

heating pads are a girl's best friend in more than one ways :D

Miss Jenni-Maie:

--- Quote from: Sailor Yue-chan on February 11 2008, 11:37 am ---heating pads are a girl's best friend in more than one ways :D

--- End quote ---
Amen to that. I wish I could find mine, my back is killing me after my first week back at dance after a 2 year break :P

Hmm, I guess what was supposed to be a fun day driving (haha, finally got my learners permit), was made extremely nerve-racking by aggresive drivers that don't understand what the giant red "L" on the back of my car means. (No, not "loser"...LEARNER!)
That, and now I'm stuck with


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