General Discussions > The "What" Board

What was the worst part of your day?

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Sailor Yue-chan:
when i smashed my foot into the vacuum...i think my 2nd left toe is broken :cry: i cant move it, it hurts like hell, and it sounds "crackly" when i DO move it

Not able to complete my task for today.

my make-up from my sister's wedding won't be erased.. i tried to remove the mascara and i looked like a squirrel! and when i looked at the mirror, i noticed that my shaved eyebrows (YES!!! they shaved it!) looked weird! it's not equally shaved!! :angry:

Doing a bit of accounting and finding out that I only have enough cash until the next payday....

the computer lagging (someone take those baseball bats away from me or i'll bash the computer!)


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