AuthorTopic: The Post Thread IX (AKA The Meaningless Thread)  (Read 333988 times)

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Re: The Post Thread IX (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
« Reply #60 on: May 17 2006, 01:09 am »
Also isn't the law different in different states in America, that must get confusing.
Ya it is. Same here in Canada. But not much.

Kairi, I would love to visit Canada, I heard that it's very beautiful.
It is, if you know where to go.
* Rocky Mountians in british Columbia are nice, my cousin went there.
*Nunavut, Northwest Territories, Yukon for snow. They are on the top for Canada
*Newfoundland and Labrador, mostly if you like the great out doors, & fishing
*Ontario, has Ottawa (old buliding & stuff), and Niagra falls, and the sleeping giant, and Anime covo in toronto :P

that is only some I can think off. We have lots of nature parks.
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Re: The Post Thread IX (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
« Reply #61 on: May 17 2006, 01:15 am »
Ya it is. Same here in Canada. But not much.
It is, if you know where to go.
* Rocky Mountians in british Columbia are nice, my cousin went there.
*Nunavut, Northwest Territories, Yukon for snow. They are on the top for Canada
*Newfoundland and Labrador, mostly if you like the great out doors, & fishing
*Ontario, has Ottawa (old buliding & stuff), and Niagra falls, and the sleeping giant, and Anime covo in toronto :P

that is only some I can think off. We have lots of nature parks.

Yes niagra falls is a must see if I ever get round to visiting and the Rocky Mountains.

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Re: The Post Thread IX (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
« Reply #62 on: May 17 2006, 01:35 am »
It's 18 in the UK as well, I can't believe it's 21 in the states! But can't you drive when your 16? That doesn't make sense to me!
I just have to say before I leave for lunch, actually it's 5 in the UK, like I said before.
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Re: The Post Thread IX (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
« Reply #63 on: May 17 2006, 01:40 am »
Yes true in your parents home or with a meal but any parents letting their children get drunk would have them taken away from them. I meant in a pub. :)

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Re: The Post Thread IX (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
« Reply #64 on: May 17 2006, 01:51 am »
Tease Fan Girls and they will look at you really strange O.O..  Tease Rapid Fan Girls and your DOOMED XD.

o.o.. What? it's true and random x3

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Re: The Post Thread IX (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
« Reply #65 on: May 17 2006, 02:24 am »
Tease Fan Girls and they will look at you really strange O.O.. Tease Rapid Fan Girls and your DOOMED XD.
true, true
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Re: The Post Thread IX (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
« Reply #66 on: May 17 2006, 02:34 am »
Sugoi! I'm gone for 12 hours and this thread grows 2 pages!

Going back to the previous topic, you do have to be 21 in the United States to drink alcohol and 25 to sell it. Since I'm 22 I can have it, but it's rare. I've drank beer and I don't like it. My favorite kind of alcohol are fruity wines. I love White Zinfindale. On rare occasions, very rare, I drink hard liquor like whiskey or whiskey burbon. But it's really rare for me to do it.

Elisa-san, I'd advice you not to drink yet. It's dangerous, and even though I'm old enough, I rarely do it because of the complications it can do to your body. You could ruin your liver or your heart, or you could kill yourself. Please don't treat this as a joke. Take what I'm saying seriously because alcohol can kill.

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Re: The Post Thread IX (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
« Reply #67 on: May 17 2006, 02:42 am »
Elisa-san, I'd advice you not to drink yet. It's dangerous, and even though I'm old enough, I rarely do it because of the complications it can do to your body. You could ruin your liver or your heart, or you could kill yourself. Please don't treat this as a joke. Take what I'm saying seriously because alcohol can kill.
moezy-chan is right. Watch what you drink. Have you ever see the video from Simple Plan called unitled. It makes you think twice about alcohol, and drinking and driving. It move me so much. I couldn't stop crying for hours when I watch it.
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Re: The Post Thread IX (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
« Reply #68 on: May 17 2006, 02:58 am »
moezy-chan is right. Watch what you drink. Have you ever see the video from Simple Plan called unitled. It makes you think twice about alcohol, and drinking and driving. It move me so much. I couldn't stop crying for hours when I watch it.

I agree with both of these comments. I made light of it earlier but I've had a friend who got ill due to alcohol. There's no need to drink it just because your friends do. It's fine every so often if you're legal.

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Re: The Post Thread IX (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
« Reply #69 on: May 17 2006, 03:09 am »
Yes true in your parents home or with a meal but any parents letting their children get drunk would have them taken away from them. I meant in a pub.
ah, then that would be age 16, you can order alcohol with a meal on your own at that age, but on it's own would be 18.

Elisa-san, I'd advice you not to drink yet. It's dangerous, and even though I'm old enough, I rarely do it because of the complications it can do to your body. You could ruin your liver or your heart, or you could kill yourself. Please don't treat this as a joke. Take what I'm saying seriously because alcohol can kill.
you shouldn't be afraid of alcohol, if you drink it right you can have a good time and nothing can go wrong. That's why you should do it safe! and mainly on occasions like Birthdays, New Years etc at best. Like I said earlier.

I agree with both of these comments. I made light of it earlier but I've had a friend who got ill due to alcohol. There's no need to drink it just because your friends do. It's fine every so often if you're legal.
I don't do it because others do it, If you don't want to then you don't have to, Stand up for youself, and if you do do it don't get carried away.
admittedly because I didn't drink in high school and I hate smoking I tend to of lost a lot of friends cos I was a bore^^;
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Re: The Post Thread IX (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
« Reply #70 on: May 17 2006, 03:16 am »
ah, then that would be age 16, you can order alcohol with a meal on your own at that age, but on it's own would be 18.
you shouldn't be afraid of alcohol, if you drink it right you can have a good time and nothing can go wrong. That's why you should do it safe! and mainly on occasions like Birthdays, New Years etc at best. Like I said earlier.
I don't do it because others do it, If you don't want to then you don't have to, Stand up for youself, and if you do do it don't get carried away.
admittedly because I didn't drink in high school and I hate smoking I tend to of lost a lot of friends cos I was a bore^^;

Same here, at my school if you didn't smoke you weren't cool but I have always thought smoking was even more silly. And thanks for the info on the law in my country kinda funny that I don't know it!

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Re: The Post Thread IX (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
« Reply #71 on: May 17 2006, 03:25 am »
Same here, at my school if you didn't smoke you weren't cool but I have always thought smoking was even more silly.
Same at my school. We have a smoke shack, in the bad field of the school, and it smells pretty bad. If you are wondering, and they are also so much drugs back their. I don't go back there unless I want to go to the mall, is a short cut. You have to walk past it. I drew I funny looking map below if you want to look at it
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Re: The Post Thread IX (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
« Reply #72 on: May 17 2006, 03:56 am »
can you believe that they are putting "Intellegent Design" into Science in america?
You can't put GOD into science books.
Everything Science says Religion rejects it.
From the words of 2:
"Religion doesn't belong anywhere near a freaking science book, the whole point of religion is to reject science. Science says the earth is millions of years old, Religion rejects it. Science says homosexuality is genetic, Relgion rejects that too. Religion says you can't come back from the dead, Religion rejects that one too! If your gonna reject science you can't put it into a science book!!"
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Re: The Post Thread IX (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
« Reply #73 on: May 17 2006, 03:59 am »
can you believe that they are putting "Intellegent Design" into Science in america?
You can't put GOD into science books.
Everything Science says Religion rejects it.
From the words of 2:
"Religion doesn't belong anywhere near a freaking science book, the whole point of religion is to reject science. Science says the earth is millions of years old, Religion rejects it. Science says homosexuality is genetic, Relgion rejects that too. Religion says you can't come back from the dead, Religion rejects that one too! If your gonna reject science you can't put it into a science book!!"
What, are they doing. Science is the totaly opposite of Religion. Religion says that god created earth, in science, rocks that hit together form our planet, and the hit make the core of the earth hot, and allows earth to breathe and all that. I don't feel like going into details. I watch the show a couple of months ago.
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Re: The Post Thread IX (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
« Reply #74 on: May 17 2006, 05:37 am »
What, are they doing. Science is the totaly opposite of Religion. Religion says that god created earth, in science, rocks that hit together form our planet, and the hit make the core of the earth hot, and allows earth to breathe and all that. I don't feel like going into details. I watch the show a couple of months ago.

So true. I will admit that science has its place in various areas, such as using the computer or electricity, but for things such as how we came to life, that's something that science will never be able to explain. I'm a firm believer in religion and I always put it before science.

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Re: The Post Thread IX (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
« Reply #75 on: May 17 2006, 05:47 am »
well Science is just fact, I always have wondered why people tend to believe GOD made everything, because if anything it makes mankind take a step backwards in evoloution, Nothing wrong with religion, Having a faith is fantastic attitude and helps a persons moral views, but we need more scientists to concentrate on looking forward and looking into why things happen so we can learn about it for future uses.
One of my fav teachers of all time was a Scientist and he was really funny, But also totally against all Religion. What I liked about him is that he could actually take sections out the bible and explain why they are wrong and give logical scientifically proven evidence about what actually happened, It was funny and educational. I know he is against the INTELLECTUAL DESIGN aspect.

A quote I tend to like about the Universe is from Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy:
There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something more bizarrely inexplicable.
There is another theory which states that this has already happened.
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Re: The Post Thread IX (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
« Reply #76 on: May 17 2006, 05:52 am »
One thing that my science teacher always used to tell me is that science is only facts that are waiting to be proved wrong. It takes a lot of evidence to prove something but only one piece to disprove it.
Science is always being redifigned with new knowledge, though the same can't be said about religion but who's to say which is right! I don't know though I do lean move towards the scientific point of view.

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Re: The Post Thread IX (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
« Reply #77 on: May 17 2006, 05:59 am »
I can't make up my mind either, I just go with whatever I think sounds best, one day I'll be 100% for Science, the other day Religion. I'll change sides when you least expect me to :P

although I Do LOVE seeing battles between Science and Religion. knowing both of them are going nowhere with eachother and both (well Science) making logical points and Religion just screaming about how closed minded Scientests are, lol.
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Re: The Post Thread IX (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
« Reply #78 on: May 17 2006, 06:00 am »
One thing that my science teacher always used to tell me is that science is only facts that are waiting to be proved wrong. It takes a lot of evidence to prove something but only one piece to disprove it.
Science is always being redifigned with new knowledge, though the same can't be said about religion but who's to say which is right! I don't know though I do lean move towards the scientific point of view.
Same here. I'm not against any religion, but this is how I think.  Your science teacher is right. its does take a lot of  evidence to prove something, and only one to distroy it. As for me, i'm more of the evidence person.

Also, the Da Vinci Code, is supose to say what is wrong in the bible, and what really happen. but its only by a person view. My grandfathers is part of the Da Vinci Code, that is what he believes. me is a meta (I think what he is called).

I can't make up my mind either, I just go with whatever I think sounds best, one day I'll be 100% for Science, the other day Religion. I'll change sides when you least expect me to :P
Same here
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Re: The Post Thread IX (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
« Reply #79 on: May 17 2006, 06:06 am »
My grandfathers is part of the Da Vinci Code, that is what he believes. me is a meta (I think what he is called).
that makes no sense to me.

and yeah I heard the revered of sumfing got in a big hissy fit saying it's trying to destroy the bible saying Jesus married some lady names Mary. (i don't know, just passing info I read about, I've not seen or read the da vinci code)

They did the same thing with one of my fav movies DOGMA. I think that's probably more true than the bible itself! Jesus was black! and he had brothers and sisters! They also made a good point as how they jumped from Jesus as a child to Jesus as an Adult, They missed several years of the lord/saviour Right There!! lol. The religous people hated that movie too saying it was putting religion down when in the movie they did nothing of the sort, if anything it sort of promotes religion.

The church has to calm down, they are just fictional stories made for entertainment, If the bible was real they wouldn't need to defend it so badly, that's what makes me suspicous.
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