AuthorTopic: The Post Thread IX (AKA The Meaningless Thread)  (Read 334503 times)

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Re: The Post Thread IX (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
« Reply #80 on: May 17 2006, 06:06 am »
Cool I've read the Da Vinci code but I'm personaly not sure how seriously to take it as it is written as a fiction book and I don't know enough about what it's talking about to make a well informed descision. It was interesting though.

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Re: The Post Thread IX (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
« Reply #81 on: May 17 2006, 06:08 am »
Science is something that has to be proven with a lot of facts. Ironcially, sience is one of my favourite subjects, and I'm Catholic which makes things a bit difficult ^^;
There are so many books out there that put their own little twist on the truth of the Roman Catholic Church, and I've read some of them, the DaVInci Code included. But I do have to say it is very interesting. The media is such a huge impact on people's perspectivies of religion now. Mine included -___-"

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Re: The Post Thread IX (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
« Reply #82 on: May 17 2006, 06:30 am »
Science is something that has to be proven with a lot of facts. Ironcially, sience is one of my favourite subjects, and I'm Catholic which makes things a bit difficult ^^;
There are so many books out there that put their own little twist on the truth of the Roman Catholic Church, and I've read some of them, the DaVInci Code included. But I do have to say it is very interesting. The media is such a huge impact on people's perspectivies of religion now. Mine included -___-"

I'm Catholic as well, and even if I do find scientific facts that might disprove my faith, I continue to go with religion. It's not that I don't believe it, it's more that I teach Catechism and I can't teach it if I don't believe it. I can't make myself to teach something I don't believe. It's going against my faith, and furthermore, it goes against my morals. I'm constantly drawn between both sides, but I will remain with religion. I guess that makes me sound a bit shallow. I only believe because I have to and because I want to.

But if there is anything I can say to back up my beliefs, I've had prophetic dreams that help me predict the future, and there is no scientific proof to explain that, but there are statements in the Bible that prophets had prophetic dreams. I can't back my proof up except that I believe in my faith. There really is no substantial evidence that the Bible is right, but there also isn't any substantial proof that the Bible is wrong. All it comes down to is, "Do you believe or don't you?"

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Re: The Post Thread IX (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
« Reply #83 on: May 17 2006, 06:33 am »
I agree with you moezy-chan, its "do you believe or not"
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Re: The Post Thread IX (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
« Reply #84 on: May 17 2006, 06:38 am »
As a rule, I don't believe anything unless there's proof, but then I don't disbelieve anything unless it's proven to be fake. Lets just say I'm open minded.

I'm Catholic as well, and even if I do find scientific facts that might disprove my faith, I continue to go with religion. It's not that I don't believe it, it's more that I teach Catechism and I can't teach it if I don't believe it. I can't make myself to teach something I don't believe. It's going against my faith, and furthermore, it goes against my morals. I'm constantly drawn between both sides, but I will remain with religion. I guess that makes me sound a bit shallow. I only believe because I have to and because I want to.

But if there is anything I can say to back up my beliefs, I've had prophetic dreams that help me predict the future, and there is no scientific proof to explain that, but there are statements in the Bible that prophets had prophetic dreams. I can't back my proof up except that I believe in my faith. There really is no substantial evidence that the Bible is right, but there also isn't any substantial proof that the Bible is wrong. All it comes down to is, "Do you believe or don't you?"

So prophetic dreams huh? For real? I thought that only happened on the telly! :) That could really help out in life, wouldn't it.
My mum is a Catholic but she didn't raise me as one, saying that it was my right to choose what I wanted to believe, well I may decide one day!

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Re: The Post Thread IX (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
« Reply #85 on: May 17 2006, 06:50 am »
As a rule, I don't believe anything unless there's proof, but then I don't disbelieve anything unless it's proven to be fake. Lets just say I'm open minded.

That's good to know. I'm like that in certain situations, but when it comes to religion I continue to believe. Religion isn't meant to be explained.

So prophetic dreams huh? For real? I thought that only happened on the telly! :) That could really help out in life, wouldn't it.
My mum is a Catholic but she didn't raise me as one, saying that it was my right to choose what I wanted to believe, well I may decide one day!

For real. I've had at least 4 in my lifetime. They're rare, but they always come true. I can't explain it, and I'm not going to bother explaining it. I analyze nearly everything, but in cases like these I've learned to back off.

My mum is a Catholic but she didn't raise me as one, saying that it was my right to choose what I wanted to believe, well I may decide one day!

That's good. My mom forced me to become a Catholic by saying, "You either believe or you will burn if He**."  :( Let's just say I learned to believe but not because I wanted to. I didn't become a true Catholic until I became a Catechist teacher. It gave me reason to believe, and I found how wonderful my religion was. I realized things I never knew before and it gave me reason to live but I won't get into that. Probably why I'm so dedicated to my religion. It made me whole, and it helped get rid of my depression. I wouldn't be the person I am now without my faith.

I agree with you moezy-chan, its "do you believe or not"


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Re: The Post Thread IX (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
« Reply #86 on: May 17 2006, 06:53 am »
I think it's really nice to be able to believe in something wholeheartedly, I wish I could! I just don't have that strong beliefs!

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Re: The Post Thread IX (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
« Reply #87 on: May 17 2006, 06:58 am »
I think it's really nice to be able to believe in something wholeheartedly, I wish I could! I just don't have that strong beliefs!

I will admit, it is hard. It's a daily struggle, especially when other temptations come across, but in the long run, it's well worth it. I prefer to look at the full picture opposed to just one area. Unfortunately, I've come across people that will only look at the area they want, and not think ahead. But it takes all colors to make a rainbow and all people to make a world. And if anything, those people only make me stronger.

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Re: The Post Thread IX (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
« Reply #88 on: May 17 2006, 07:00 am »
When I was young I was always bought up in church, but then well my family slip up and well I stop going. I was never into it when I was young, so I never really got into the whole church thing. Now, My step mother is really into it, and she gets mad at me because well I kind of don't believe. To me, I'm more of the Science way. I need lots of proof. And a bible that has been re written many times to fit our way of life, changes. I once, read read bibles (well I had to), and ya it was kind of the same, but most of it was change. I need proof. I don't think people who do believe are wrong. its like you said before Moezy-chan. do you believe or not
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Re: The Post Thread IX (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
« Reply #89 on: May 17 2006, 09:17 am »
But if there is anything I can say to back up my beliefs, I've had prophetic dreams that help me predict the future, and there is no scientific proof to explain that, but there are statements in the Bible that prophets had prophetic dreams. I can't back my proof up except that I believe in my faith. There really is no substantial evidence that the Bible is right, but there also isn't any substantial proof that the Bible is wrong. All it comes down to is, "Do you believe or don't you?"
but we've all had that, I've frequently seen things I've dreamt about or I get Deja-Vu a lot. It's totally natural for everyone I think, I just wouldn't go as far to say I'm a prophet. I'm probably sure theres a scientific fact behind those dreams aswell.

As a rule, I don't believe anything unless there's proof, but then I don't disbelieve anything unless it's proven to be fake. Lets just say I'm open minded.
Theres a name for something similar to that, It's what I am, I'm Agnostic.

That's good to know. I'm like that in certain situations, but when it comes to religion I continue to believe. Religion isn't meant to be explained.
Everything can and needs to be explained, Religion just can't explain things since majority of it is impossible

I strongly disagree with organised religion. The beliefs of gods and faith are fine, I totally support those, It's just all the organised religions that really annoy me.  The church makes millions of dollars every year and don't have to pay taxes. A lot of people in these organised religions need to be burned at the stake, mainly reffering to those Televangelists and those door to door religion salesmen. this particular article really annoyed me. I would like to hurt everyone who calls homosexuality a choice, they neet be hurt... a lot. It's bad enough that America's Government is forcing Religion on third world countries, I don't think they understand that people should be given a choice in what they believe in. I was raised in a christian school and I was forced with religion every single day, It really disturbed me that they needed to force it on us without even giving us a choice. We didn't even touch on other gods like Buddha, Shiva, Zeus until Secondary school, which wasn't christian, it was a normal public school. That's where I started to learn about other Religions and that is where I started to gain my interest into them. Even tho  I don't like Organised Religion, I do like the ideas of each of the Gods in different Religions, I disagree with some and agree with others. If anything I think I feel more enlightened than a Religious zealot because I am not tied down by one almighty person, I am my own person, Not owned by God. I don't believe that God is supposed to be a dictator like all these Religions seem to make him out to be.

Also, I can't stand HOLY WARS. More people have been killed in the name of Jesus Christ than any other single person in the history of humanity. Killing is a sin, but if someone disagrees with you or worships a different god then killing is suddenly ok? These people are hypocrits.

To sum up what I think about religion best is a quote from DOGMA:
Rufus: He (God) still digs humanity, but it bothers Him to see the shit that gets carried out in His name - wars, bigotry, but especially the factioning of all the religions. He said humanity took a good idea and, like always, built a belief structure on it.
Bethany: Having beliefs isn't good?
Rufus: I think it's better to have ideas. You can change an idea. Changing a belief is trickier. Life should malleable and progressive; working from idea to idea permits that. Beliefs anchor you to certain points and limit growth; new ideas can't generate. Life becomes stagnant.

(Rufus is the 13th apostle who was left out of the bible because he was black, Bethany is the great great great great great grand-niece of Jesus Christ )

dunno if any of that made sense? -again, I stress, I'm not dissing Religion, I love it myself.

Remmember, I'm Agnostic:
An agnostic is a person who believes that the existence of a greater power, such as a god, cannot be proven or disproved; therefore an agnostic wallows in the complexity of the existence of higher beings.

Agnostics on religion (Christianity, Islam, Buddhists, etc): Religious zealots are often viewed as ignorant by agnostics’ because of their blind following of a supreme being which may or may not exist. Agnostics will often question the existence of a supreme power because a lot of modern religious beliefs have no basis in modern logic; therefore blind following of popular religions is viewed as an easy out for people who chose not to think for themselves.

Agnostics on atheism: On the other end of the spectrum, unlike atheists, an agnostic uses a more scientific approach to their belief system. An agnostic knows that just because there is no physical proof of the existence of a higher being, it dose not automatically mean that one does not exist. An agnostic views an atheist on the same plane as a religious zealot; often because the belief that human beings are the pinnacle of intelligence and there are few things that we do not or have the potential to understand.

The realization of knowing that “we cannot know everything” is the backbone of the agnostic belief.

description explanation from another website

Then again my parants are mainly christian but they also have pictures of buddha and shiva around our house too, they are pretty to look at too.

whoa, I think this is my most detailed piece of posting on this forum... ever.  :surprised:
« Last Edit: May 17 2006, 10:01 am by VexNet »
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Re: The Post Thread IX (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
« Reply #90 on: May 17 2006, 10:41 am »
I think that is your most detailed post here on this forum...

A Total Random post here:

Me no MOMMY!!!!!
*u hear that! long story
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Re: The Post Thread IX (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
« Reply #91 on: May 17 2006, 10:48 am »
but we've all had that, I've frequently seen things I've dreamt about or I get Deja-Vu a lot. It's totally natural for everyone I think, I just wouldn't go as far to say I'm a prophet. I'm probably sure theres a scientific fact behind those dreams aswell.

Quite possibly, but at the moment there is no evidence. I'm not claiming to be a prophet either. I don't think I'm capable of freeing anybody or saving the world. Too overwhelming for me. Going a bit off-topic, people continually say I'm a philosopher. It's possible that I get these dreams because I'm a bit out of touch with reality. I think far too much and analyze beyond belief. Can't explain that either. Although you all know that by now. I do it too often.

I strongly disagree with organised religion. The beliefs of gods and faith are fine, I totally support those, It's just all the organised religions that really annoy me.  The church makes millions of dollars every year and don't have to pay taxes. A lot of people in these organised religions need to be burned at the stake, mainly reffering to those Televangelists and those door to door religion salesmen. this particular article really annoyed me. I would like to hurt everyone who calls homosexuality a choice, they neet be hurt... a lot. It's bad enough that America's Government is forcing Religion on third world countries, I don't think they understand that people should be given a choice in what they believe in. I was raised in a christian school and I was forced with religion every single day, It really disturbed me that they needed to force it on us without even giving us a choice. We didn't even touch on other gods like Buddha, Shiva, Zeus until Secondary school, which wasn't christian, it was a normal public school. That's where I started to learn about other Religions and that is where I started to gain my interest into them. Even tho  I don't like Organised Religion, I do like the ideas of each of the Gods in different Religions, I disagree with some and agree with others. If anything I think I feel more enlightened than a Religious zealot because I am not tied down by one almighty person, I am my own person, Not owned by God. I don't believe that God is supposed to be a dictator like all these Religions seem to make him out to be.

I can relate. As stated, my mother forced me into my religion. I didn't even know any other religions existed until I was ten years old. To this day I'm still mad at her for not letting me know about other people. I am a bit surprised that she didn't make me go to perochial school, but I'm sure she couldn't afford it. We've always lived on a tight budget. The only reason I remained Catholic was because she scared me with beliefs that I would go to He** if I didn't remain Catholic.

My dad, though not as strictly Catholic as my mom would constantly tell me that Catholicism was the best religion in the world, and if you were Catholic when you died, you would instantly go to Heaven. I don't believe that either. My parents fed me a bunch of bullsh** over the years. I'm so happy I'm free spirited or I would've fallen into the same trap that my sisters and brother fell into. They don't have the ability to think for themselves. I truly feel sorry for them because of that.

Also, I can't stand HOLY WARS. More people have been killed in the name of Jesus Christ than any other single person in the history of humanity. Killing is a sin, but if someone disagrees with you or worships a different god then killing is suddenly ok? These people are hypocrits.

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Same. I can't stand people that get mad at murderors, and then kill someone. We're only lowering ourselves to their level if we end up killing. Killing should only be a last resort. This burns me to no end.

I think that is your most detailed post here on this forum...

Agreed, and very well spoken.

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Re: The Post Thread IX (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
« Reply #92 on: May 17 2006, 11:01 am »
I think that is your most detailed post here on this forum...

A Total Random post here:

Me no MOMMY!!!!!
*u hear that! long story
Is mom ok? lol. Thank You.

Quite possibly, but at the moment there is no evidence. I'm not claiming to be a prophet either. I don't think I'm capable of freeing anybody or saving the world. Too overwhelming for me. Going a bit off-topic, people continually say I'm a philosopher. It's possible that I get these dreams because I'm a bit out of touch with reality. I think far too much and analyze beyond belief. Can't explain that either. Although you all know that by now. I do it too often.
how come you always try to establish yourself as an analyzer? surely if you stopped trying to tell everyone you are you would do it less?
And hell yeah, I don't want to put the responsibility of the world on my shoulders and "prophesize the future" *cue spooky music*

I can relate. As stated, my mother forced me into my religion. I didn't even know any other religions existed until I was ten years old. To this day I'm still mad at her for not letting me know about other people. I am a bit surprised that she didn't make me go to perochial school, but I'm sure she couldn't afford it. We've always lived on a tight budget. The only reason I remained Catholic was because she scared me with beliefs that I would go to He** if I didn't remain Catholic.

My dad, though not as strictly Catholic as my mom would constantly tell me that Catholicism was the best religion in the world, and if you were Catholic when you died, you would instantly go to Heaven. I don't believe that either. My parents fed me a bunch of bullsh** over the years. I'm so happy I'm free spirited or I would've fallen into the same trap that my sisters and brother fell into. They don't have the ability to think for themselves. I truly feel sorry for them because of that.
So you agree and concur that you follow the same course or that your saying you only agree with the last part of my post about the different gods?
Would you think that you would still be a catholic even if you were not forced to be it by your parants?

Same. I can't stand people that get mad at murderors, and then kill someone. We're only lowering ourselves to their level if we end up killing. Killing should only be a last resort. This burns me to no end.
heh, Looks like your own religion is making more problems for itself. It's a shame america isn't what it claims to be (a democracy, Last time I looked majority of america was against the war).

Agreed, and very well spoken.
heh, Thank You!
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Re: The Post Thread IX (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
« Reply #93 on: May 17 2006, 11:20 am »
how come you always try to establish yourself as an analyzer? surely if you stopped trying to tell everyone you are you would do it less?

Thing is, I didn't always call myself an analyzer. I didn't even know I was one until 3 years ago. People always told me so I guess I accepted it. I allowed myself to be too influenced.

you follow the same course or that your saying you only agree with the last part of my post about the different gods?

I agreed that we shouldn't be forced into a religion. I couldn't stand that my mother did that.

Would you think that you would still be a catholic even if you were not forced to be it by your parants?

I'm not really sure. I was influenced by the religion, but I never considered myself religious until two years ago. Wonder what religion I would be now or if I would even have one if my mother didn't force me.

heh, Thank You!

Your welcome!

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Re: The Post Thread IX (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
« Reply #94 on: May 17 2006, 11:27 am »
Isn't this suppose to be the Meaningless Thread? Can't you take this discussion to a religion thread or something? ^^;; Not to be rude, but thats where this sort of discussion really should be.
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Re: The Post Thread IX (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
« Reply #95 on: May 17 2006, 11:31 am »
I did actually make a Religion Thread but it dissapeared with nobody posting in it :(
made me sad.

Wonder what religion I would be now or if I would even have one if my mother didn't force me.
Think about it :P
I think if I was in a christian secondary school too I would probably be an athiest now or at least have a large hatred for God.
or even be a witch craft and dark arts O_O
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Re: The Post Thread IX (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
« Reply #96 on: May 17 2006, 11:38 am »
I did actually make a Religion Thread but it dissapeared with nobody posting in it :(
made me sad.

Mmhm. I remember that thread. Was one of the first threads I ever posted in.

Think about it :P
I think if I was in a christian secondary school too I would probably be an athiest now or at least have a large hatred for God.
or even be a witch craft and dark arts O_O

Mm, I will, but I doubt I'd be an atheist. I really can't hate anybody, religion based or not.

Isn't this suppose to be the Meaningless Thread? Can't you take this discussion to a religion thread or something? ^^;; Not to be rude, but thats where this sort of discussion really should be.

Yeah, you're right Moon-chan. This discussion is a bit severe for this thread.

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Re: The Post Thread IX (AKA The Meaningless Thread
« Reply #97 on: May 17 2006, 11:42 am »
Somehow, when people start wars, if makes me think one thing: They are completely paranoid. -__-

Take a look at the Peloponnesian War for example, during the Golden Age of Athens, Sparta attacked Athens because they feared Athens was becoming too powerful. That led to a deadly war because Sparta was paranoid.

Is war really worth it? I think not.


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Re: The Post Thread IX (AKA The Meaningless Thread
« Reply #98 on: May 17 2006, 11:43 am »
Somehow, when people start wars, if makes me think one thing: They are completely paranoid. -__-

Take a look at the Peloponnesian War for example, during the Golden Age of Athens, Sparta attacked Athens because they feared Athens was becoming too powerful. That led to a deadly war because Sparta was paranoid.

Is war really worth it? I think not.

Nope, war is not worth it. I agree with you 100% Hikari-chan. It only leads to more death. How can we teach people anything when they're dead?

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Re: The Post Thread IX (AKA The Meaningless Thread
« Reply #99 on: May 17 2006, 11:46 am »
We go to the graveyard and teach the zombies. :P

War = Anger + Paranoid people

Such as King George during the Revoluntionary War.