Yup! The Simpson's one of the best cartoons ever created for comedy. It's a good thing CN placed the show there. I couldn't watch the cartoon in Star World (bad timeslot >.<)
theres one reason why I hate Simpsones =
They Cancelled Futurama.
Because Futurama was also on and getting HIGHER ratings than The Simpsons so FOX threatened to take Simpsons off the air if Futurama was still on. Because of that I will never fully laugh at any simpsons joke again, Maybe release a slight chuckle or giggle but no "LOL" ever again.. those stealing *insert naughty words here*.
other than that, I LOVE Futurama, I have all four seasons, 2 on DVD and 2 on Video ( I got the ones on Video for free since my neighbour bought them on DVD and didn't need the video versions anymore).
I LOVE Family Guy aswell, I even liked it when nobody else I knew had even heard about it (like when it first came out, I was the one watching it on daytime tv recording it when I went to school, I was the only person I knew who liked it or even heard about it). I'm so glad FOX brought it back after it was cancelled because of the
Huge DVD sales for it (It was one of the biggest selling dvds ever). Unfortunatly because I am not America I cannot watch them on tv because it is still USA only, instead I've downloaded them all. I have every episode released so far. I have seaosns 1 - 4 on DVD and season 5 (so far) on my PC. I'm one little happy bunny.
Heh, I thought you meant 'dawn' time
sorry for the confusion...
how can you think Morning meant Night time?
I'm perplexed at how that mistake could occur

We have starbucks and costa coffees in the UK. Oh I just love their frappichinos.
you do know Starbucks is American right?
I never go to those places anyway, I'm not a coffee person,
I have a hard enough time keeping my teeth clean, Coffee just makes them worse.