AuthorTopic: The Post Thread IX (AKA The Meaningless Thread)  (Read 334020 times)

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Re: The Post Thread IX (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
« Reply #220 on: May 19 2006, 03:18 am »
Kairi, I love Lost!! I suppose you are further along than we are in the UK. We have just started the second season.
there are only two seasons out at the moment.

Show content
Season 1

Season 1, Episode 1: Pilot: Part 1
22 September 2004
48 survivors of flight 815 land in an island full of secrets, as they become to learn. The first the on the island is full of monsters, countdowns, screams, stories of the past and the love story becoming between Jack, the hero-doctor, and Kate, a mysterious young woman.

Season 1, Episode 2: Pilot: Part 2
29 September 2004
As Jack, Kate and Charlie return from their little "trip", Sayid is trying to fix the radio. He goes together with Kate, Boone, Sawyer, Shannon and Charlie to find a high place so the radio will work- and in the way they have a meeting with a little island "magic" being. Meanwhile, back at beach, Jack tries to help the US marshal, and some more secrets are revealed... Some who include drugs and cuffs...

Season 1, Episode 3: Tabula Rasa
6 October 2004
The ones who had heard the french transmission decide to keep it a secret from the other castaways. Meanwhile, back at beach, Jack and Hurley find an incriminating paper about Kate. Michael is disturbed by the friendship becoming between Locke and his son Walt.

Season 1, Episode 4: Walkabout
13 October 2004
The survivors find that they do not have any food and John Locke organizes a peccary hunting with Kate Austen and Michael Dawson. Sayid Jarrah builds some antennas, trying to locate the source of transmission of the distress signal, and Kate offers to install them. Jack decides to burn the bodies since they are attracting wild animals to the survivor's base.

Season 1, Episode 5: White Rabbit
20 October 2004
Jack sees his father on the island, and goes searching after him- and after a source of water. back at beach, Claire faints and the few bottles of water that were left are gone. Who took them? Sawyer? Jin?

Season 1, Episode 6: House of the Rising Sun
27 October 2004
The survivors can't get away from troubles!!! As Jin attacks Micheal with no reason, another secret is revealed - this time, it's Sun's time. Meanwhile, Jack goes with Kate, Locke and Charlie to the water source, and comes up with an idea: to move all the castaways into the caves. Now, it's up to Jack and Sawyer to convince Kate to move into their side... and Locke finds out about Charlie's secret.

Season 1, Episode 7: The Moth
3 November 2004
Charlie is without is drugs now, and tries to deal with it. When he and Jack fight in a cave, it falls apart and Charlie gets away- but Jack is buried inside the cave. While the castaways try rescue Jack, Sayid goes with Kate and Sawyer to find from where the French transition is coming...

Season 1, Episode 8: Confidence Man
10 November 2004
Shannon his having an asthma attack, and Boone is sure that Sawyer has her medications- but he won't give it. As Kate's way to deal with this situation doesn't work, Sayid takes things into his own hands... and IT WILL NOT end good.

Season 1, Episode 9: Solitary
17 November 2004
Sayid goes out to find something on the island- and he sure do. His meeting with a familiar woman makes him think again about his past, and about his love Nadia. Meanwhile, back at shore, Hurley wants to make the life on island a little more good- and he has for help a golf bag...

Season 1, Episode 10: Raised by Another
1 December 2004
Claire is attacked at night, but Jack thinks she's illusinating (as a result of stress-pregnancy). Hurley decides it's a good idea to find out who are the people on the island- and he discovers something weird looking at the manifest. Sayid returns from his little trip, and together, those three stories, become into ONE BIG SURPRISE.

Season 1, Episode 11: All the Best Cowboys Have Daddy Issues
8 December 2004
Jack, Kate, Locke and Boone go after Ethan, Claire and Charlie. They separate, and while Jack and Kate confront Ethan, Locke and Boon find another mystery at the jungle. Flashbacks reveal more about Jack's past with his dad.

Season 1, Episode 12: Whatever the Case May Be
5 January 2005
Jack, Kate and Sawyer fight over possession of a newly discovered locked metal briefcase which might contain insights into Kate's mysterious past. Meanwhile, Sayid asks a reluctant Shannon to translate notes he took from the French woman, a rising tide threatens to engulf the fuselage and the entire beach encampment, and Rose and a grieving Charlie tentatively bond over Claire's baffling disappearance.

Season 1, Episode 13: Hearts and Minds
12 January 2005
Boone Carlyle is jealous of Sayid Jarrah, because he is close to his sister Shannon Rutherford. Boone tells John Locke that he wants to reveal the secret about the hatch in the woods to Shannon. Locke hits Boone, heals his head with a medicine and fastens him with a rope in a tree, living him alone in the forest. Boone recalls his complicated relationship with Shannon, while trying to rescue her from the forest.

Season 1, Episode 14: Special
19 January 2005
Michael finds Locke teaching Walt how to use a knife. He bans Walt from going near Locke. Walt runs away and is trapped by a polar bear, which causes Michael and Locke to team up to save him. Flashbacks show Michael dealing with Susan (Walt's mom) leaving him and taking Walt.

Season 1, Episode 15: Homecoming
9 February 2005
After the missing Claire returns with no recollection of what has happened since before the doomed flight of Oceanic 815, Jack and Locke formulate a plan of defense against her kidnapper, the mysterious Ethan, who threatens to kill off the other survivors unless Claire is returned to him.

Season 1, Episode 16: Outlaws
16 February 2005
Kate and Sawyer divulge dark secrets to each other while tracking a renegade boar that Sawyer swears is purposely harassing him. Meanwhile, Hurley and Sayid worry that Charlie is losing it after his brush with death, and a shocking, prior connection between Sawyer and Jack is revealed.

Season 1, Episode 17: ... in Translation
23 February 2005
When the raft the survivors have been building mysteriously burns down, Michael is convinced that Jin is responsible for the sabotage, which only further escalates their rivalry. Meanwhile, Sun stuns her fellow survivors with a surprising revelation, and Boone gives Sayid a warning about Shannon.

Season 1, Episode 18: Numbers
2 March 2005
When Hurley becomes obsessed with the French woman and heads into the jungle to find her, Jack, Sayid and Charlie have no choice but to follow. Meanwhile, Locke asks Claire to help build a mysterious item.

Season 1, Episode 19: Deus Ex Machina
30 March 2005
Locke begins to suffer physical difficulties as he and Boone try to find a way into the hatch; Jack is reluctant to offer assistance when Sawyer begins to experience excruciating headaches.

Season 1, Episode 20: Do No Harm
6 April 2005
Claire goes into labor while a helpless Charlie goes into panic mode. Meanwhile Locke is missing, Jack tends to a wounded survivor and Sayid presents Shannon with a romantic surprise.

Season 1, Episode 21: The Greater Good
4 May 2005
After burying one of their own, tempers flare as the castaways' suspicions of each other grow -- and an unlikely survivor vows revenge. Meanwhile, Claire and Charlie struggle to calm her newborn.

Season 1, Episode 22: Born to Run
11 May 2005
Jack suspects foul play when Michael becomes violently ill while building the raft. Meanwhile a secret from Kate's past is revealed, the mysterious hatch is shown to a few of the survivors, and Walt gives Locke a warning.

Season 1, Episode 23: Exodus: Part 1
18 May 2005
(Part I of II) The French woman -- Rousseau -- shocks the survivors by showing up with a dire warning about "the others." Meanwhile, Michael and Jin ready the raft for sailing.

Season 1, Episode 24: Exodus: Part 2
25 May 2005
(Part II of II) The castaways on the raft are surprised at sea by something unexpected. Meanwhile, remaining islanders attempt to blow open the hatch, and a visitor to the encampment might be a threat to Claire's infant son.
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Re: The Post Thread IX (AKA The Meaningless Thread
« Reply #221 on: May 19 2006, 03:18 am »
Kairi, I love Lost!! I suppose you are further along than we are in the UK. We have just started the second season.
OMG you won't beleive what happens we are ending the second season. AAAHHHHHHH its so good. I'm freacking out on what happens. You won't believe it. o.O others.....them....maaahahahaha

sorry Vexnet. I edit it
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Re: The Post Thread IX (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
« Reply #222 on: May 19 2006, 03:20 am »
OMG you won't beleive what happens we are ending the second season. AAAHHHHHHH its so good. I'm freacking out on what happens. You won't believe it. o.O others.....them....maaahahahaha

sorry Vexnet. I edit it
Lol, It was funny..

Show content
Season 2

Season 2, Episode 1: Man of Science, Man of Faith
21 September 2005
One of the castaways is chosen to descend into the mysterious hatch, and Shannon stumbles upon a shockingly familiar face in the jungle.

Season 2, Episode 2: Adrift
28 September 2005
With the abduction of Walt fresh on their minds and their raft destroyed, Michael, Sawyer and Jin fight for their lives and discover a new predator in the roiling ocean. Meanwhile on land, Locke must descend into the hatch when one castaway goes missing inside.

Season 2, Episode 3: Orientation
5 October 2005
Jack, Locke and Kate learn more secrets about the hatch. Meanwhile, after being beaten and taken captive, Sawyer, Michael and Jin wonder if their captors are fellow survivors or the dreaded "Others."

Season 2, Episode 4: Everybody Hates Hugo
12 October 2005
Disturbing memories from Hurley's past cause him to struggle with a task he's assigned inside the hatch. Meanwhile Sawyer, Michael and Jin discover the identities of their captors, and Claire uncovers a shocking piece of information about the fate of the raft.

Season 2, Episode 5: ...And Found
19 October 2005
Michael sets off into the jungle by himself determined to find Walt, but discovers that he is not alone. Meanwhile, Sawyer and Jin are ordered by their captors to take them to their camp, and Sun frantically searches for her missing wedding ring.

Season 2, Episode 6: Abandoned
9 November 2005
Sawyer's wound becomes life-threatening as he, Michael and Jin make their way through the interior of the island with the tail section survivors. Meanwhile, Shannon is once again haunted by visions of Walt, and Charlie becomes jealous of Locke's interest in Claire.

Season 2, Episode 7: The Other 48 Days
16 November 2005
The harrowing first 48 days in the lives of the tail section survivors are revealed.

Season 2, Episode 8: Collision
23 November 2005
Tempers flare when Ana Lucia and her group stumble upon Sayid and the other castaways.

Season 2, Episode 9: What Kate Did
30 November 2005
Kate's original crime that started her life on the run is revealed. Meanwhile, the survivors lay one of their own to rest, Kate sleeplessly watches over a feverish Sawyer, and Mr. Eko has a surprise for Locke regarding the hatch.

Season 2, Episode 10: The 23rd Psalm
11 January 2006
Mr. Eko interrogates Charlie about the Virgin Mary statue, Claire begins to lose faith in Charlie when she discovers his secret, and Jack is an interested observer when Kate gives the recovering Sawyer a much-needed haircut.

Season 2, Episode 11: The Hunting Party
18 January 2006
Jack, Locke and Sawyer follow Michael who left to look for his son. They meet "the others". More is shown about Jack's back-story.

Season 2, Episode 12: Fire + Water
25 January 2006
When Charlie's vividly surreal dreams lead him to believe Claire's baby, Aaron, is in danger, Locke suspects Charlie may be using again. Meanwhile, Sawyer encourages Hurley to act on his attraction to Libby.

Season 2, Episode 13: The Long Con
8 February 2006
Survivors fear that "The Others" may have returned when Sun is injured during a failed kidnapping attempt. Meanwhile, Sawyer is an amused but highly interested bystander when tension escalates between Jack, Locke, Kate and Ana Lucia.

Season 2, Episode 14: One of Them
15 February 2006
Danielle returns to lead Sayid to a mysterious captive. Meanwhile, Sawyer is being harassed yet again by another island animal.

Season 2, Episode 15: Maternity Leave
1 March 2006
The flashback concerns Claire and her experience among the Others, and her ordeals concerning her baby. A new possible guest star is introduced as well who may be Alexandra, Danielle's daughter.

Season 2, Episode 16: The Whole Truth
22 March 2006
Sun comes to the realization that she might be pregnant; she struggles on whether to tell Jin about the situation. After no success from Jack or Sayid, Ana-Lucia is called in by Locke to interrogate the prisoner, Henry Gale, to get more information out of him about how he arrived on the island. Ana-Lucia, Sayid and Charlie then set out into the jungle to try and confirm Henry's story.

Season 2, Episode 17: Lockdown
29 March 2006
When the hatch suddenly takes on a life of its own, Locke is forced to enlist the help of an unlikely ally. Meanwhile, Ana Lucia, Sayid and Charlie go off into the jungle to find out the truth about Henry.

Season 2, Episode 18: Dave
5 April 2006
Hurley begins to think the island is affecting him in a very strange way, so Libby attempts to offer him support. Meanwhile, the prisoner offers new information about the Hatch, which severely shakes Locke's sense of purpose.

Season 2, Episode 19: S.O.S.
12 April 2006
Rose is surprisingly and vehemently opposed to Bernard's plan to create an S.O.S. signal; romantic sparks are rekindled between Jack and Kate when they trek into the jungle to propose a "trade" with "The Others"; and Locke begins to question his faith in the island.

Season 2, Episode 20: Two for the Road
3 May 2006
Jack and Kate bring an exhausted Michael back to camp; and with him news about "The Others". Meanwhile, Ana Lucia attempts to get the prisoner to confess, and Hurley plans a surprise date for Libby.

Season 2, Episode 21: ?
10 May 2006
Mr. Eko enlists Locke to help find a secret location he believes houses answers to the island's mysteries. Meanwhile, Jack and the other survivors struggle to cope with the horrific situation in the hatch.

Season 2, Episode 22: Three Minutes
In this episode will learn of what happened to Michael during his long journey through the jungle in search of Walt.

Season 2, Episode 23: Live Together, Die Alone: Part 1
24 May 2006
Desmond returns and we delve into his own mysterious past. We learn how he came to be on the island and live inside the Hatch, and of a connection he has to another of the survivors.

Season 2, Episode 24: Live Together, Die Alone: Part 2
Part 2 of the Season 2 Finale.
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Re: The Post Thread IX (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
« Reply #223 on: May 19 2006, 03:24 am »
Oh why does it take so long for them to show over here! I suppose I could download them but that would be wrong as it's illegal!  :wink:

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Re: The Post Thread IX (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
« Reply #224 on: May 19 2006, 03:26 am »
I love them.

According to Jim Click here
Yes Dear Click here

Sorry. To busy to type it out. I favorite people are jim in according to jim, and jimmy in Yes dear. The big guy.
Those look really funny. So I'm going to go Download them.

Oh why does it take so long for them to show over here! I suppose I could download them but that would be wrong as it's illegal! :wink:
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Re: The Post Thread IX (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
« Reply #225 on: May 19 2006, 03:36 am »
You would love them Vexnet. They always make you laugh

Oh why does it take so long for them to show over here! I suppose I could download them but that would be wrong as it's illegal! :wink:
That suc*s. ITs gets alot better. But also when they air them in the U.S, We get them too. To tell you the truth. We have more U.S channcels then Canadians ones.
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Re: The Post Thread IX (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
« Reply #226 on: May 19 2006, 03:50 am »
aw don't say that, I'm sure you havn't seen everything on tv to know it all bores you :(

Well I can't say I've seen every show, but I can't bring myself to liking television anymore. I don't really know why.

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Re: The Post Thread IX (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
« Reply #227 on: May 19 2006, 03:54 am »
Well I can't say I've seen every show, but I can't bring myself to liking television anymore. I don't really know why.
I know what you mean. Some times I get sick of TV, but then other times I can't live with out it. Its the way I feel. But I love TV when I"m paying games on it. Kingdom Hearts !! :lol:
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Re: The Post Thread IX (AKA The Meaningless Thread
« Reply #228 on: May 19 2006, 11:24 am »
These days, I don't pay as much attention to the TV these days. The only time I do is watching a Korean soap opera and playing Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness and Saturday cartoons. xD

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Re: The Post Thread IX (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
« Reply #229 on: May 19 2006, 12:12 pm »
TV huh?

I happen to be a fan of sorts of Jerry Springer Show (Yeah I know it's a trash tv show).

Also, I got to see the ending of Amazing Race 9, one of my favorite reality shows.

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Re: The Post Thread IX (AKA The Meaningless Thread
« Reply #230 on: May 19 2006, 02:09 pm »
"sigh" I only watch the news.... That and the morning anime on Channel 11.

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Re: The Post Thread IX (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
« Reply #231 on: May 19 2006, 05:53 pm »
Korean soap operas are popping up everywhere in our country these days. Haha, thank goodness for my Anime DVD's! Apart from that, I'm glued to it...while playing video games of course.

But damn, I have to go back to school the week after next week. Didn't really feel like a summer vacation to me these past few weeks...*sigh* I mean, I still go to school everyday!

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Re: The Post Thread IX (AKA The Meaningless Thread
« Reply #232 on: May 19 2006, 07:10 pm »
Yawn.. I'm just waiting for another season of survivor.... Or even another season of Joe Millionaire... 0.o Or even better, South Park. :P

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Re: The Post Thread IX (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
« Reply #233 on: May 19 2006, 07:28 pm »
Yawn.. I'm just waiting for another season of survivor.... Or even another season of Joe Millionaire... 0.o Or even better, South Park. :P
you do know it's the last season of South Park this year, Season 10. :(
I have every other season on DVD. I love South Park.
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Re: The Post Thread IX (AKA The Meaningless Thread
« Reply #234 on: May 19 2006, 07:54 pm »
amagawd! this year is the last season?! 0.o after this, No more cartman being a big fat (censored) and no more kenny getting killed all the time?!

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Re: The Post Thread IX (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
« Reply #235 on: May 19 2006, 08:17 pm »
amagawd! this year is the last season?! 0.o after this, No more cartman being a big fat (censored) and no more kenny getting killed all the time?!
Kenny doesn't get killed all the time anyway, He only did in seasons 1-5, He wasn't in season 6 (made very brief cameos) and he was brought back in season 7 and he doesn't die in every episode now, He does die if it's intertwined with the plot of the episode, otherwise no random deaths.

and one of my fav Cartman jokes is when
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A kid sold Cartman some of his pubes so Cartman would think they are his so he could become a 'man' so after finding out they were fake he tried to get his money back but the kid said no, so in retaliation Cartman killed both the kid's parants and cut them up and fed them to him in a bowl and made him eat them in front of the whole town and his fav band red hot chilli peppers, to where he ran home crying after Cartman told him what he did... what an evil little sod.
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Re: The Post Thread IX (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
« Reply #236 on: May 19 2006, 08:25 pm »
lawls... i still remember this episode
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Cartman was abuducted by aliens and he was placed with an anal probe, then he believed it was all just a dream, when in fact it was real, then suddenly, cartman was farting fire and he burned this english kid, then when Kyle and Stan found out that cartman was somehow involved with the Aliens who abducted Kyle's borther because of that anal probe, they tied up cartman then a satellite dish came out of his butt then the alien spaceship came out...

If memory serves me right that's what happened, my memory is vague though... 0.o

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Re: The Post Thread IX (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
« Reply #237 on: May 19 2006, 08:30 pm »
lawls... i still remember this episode
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Cartman was abuducted by aliens and he was placed with an anal probe, then he believed it was all just a dream, when in fact it was real, then suddenly, cartman was farting fire and he burned this english kid, then when Kyle and Stan found out that cartman was somehow involved with the Aliens who abducted Kyle's borther because of that anal probe, they tied up cartman then a satellite dish came out of his butt then the alien spaceship came out...

If memory serves me right that's what happened, my memory is vague though... 0.o
That's old school South Park, Season 1 episode 1.
I like the parody of that episode when
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Exactly the same things happen as in Episode 1 (and I mean exactly, if you were to watch it you would think it is a repeat) and Kyle realises it saying "hey this has all happened before.." and they find out instead of letting Cartman **** out the probe they go to a doctor and get it pulled out and they find out in fact that Earth is just a reality TV show for space aliens (they even send in natural disasters just to liven things up too, lol) and they had accidently lost some data sending the show into a repeat, But because the kids find this out they must be killed, So to get out of it they threatened to show the entire Universe a picture of two space elders having wierd kinky sex (IT looks really wierd) so they just wiped thier minds and put them back on earth. I thought that was classic.
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Re: The Post Thread IX (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
« Reply #238 on: May 19 2006, 10:28 pm »
Hmm... South Park.

One of the best cartoons ever.

Anyway, I got nothing to do right now.

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Re: The Post Thread IX (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
« Reply #239 on: May 19 2006, 11:07 pm »
I was never really that fond of south park but then I only ever watched a few episodes.

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