Another antichrist movie. What will the catholic church's stand on this? Will it be similar to that of Da Vinci? 0.o
I wouldn't think so. The Omen, The Omen 2 and The Omen 3 we're all really famous well liked movies, This is just a remake really. My parants and thier friends want to go see it tonight, I think If I go along with them I'm just going to see X-Men 3 instead. The Omen looks good, just not good enough for me to spend £5.45 to see.
and while on that note, I was starting to think I was the antichrist today. The moment the clock hit twelve at night and it was 6.6.06 I had this huge headache and my eyes started to really ache. So I spent all night trying to go to sleep, I managed to get to sleep through teh seering pain at around 7.30AM to wake up at 11AM in pain still. After I washed and got dressed It kinda faded away, It still hurts a bit now. (It's currently 4.02PM)
i know TRC can beat NARUTO, and if Orochimaru has a problem with that, he can talk to mokona XD
well Dragonball Z can beat both TRC and Naruto.