town houses: are house that in a area together. They are usually own by the goverment. The houses are connected. About four or five houses are connected, then a small opening, then more houses. There is usally a lot of houses in a square, or some how in the same area.
Condo's: are more luxurious. Its usally a house but some one owns each floor. People who owns theses are usually single or living with someone else. Most of them have pools or something that makes them special, and they have really cool names. Also, most of them have only 2-3 stories.
Apartment: Is usually a big big building with lots of floors (1,2,3.......10,11,12,14,15). You only get a small area on a floor. Most apartments buildings can hold over 300 families. One problem, you usally can only get 1-2 bedrooms, and sometimes if your lucky 3 or 4 but they are mostly pricey.
That is what I just think though.