General Discussions > Anything goes...
well I love discusing religion, its one of my favorite topics. I've studied other relgions my whole life! so I know quite a bit about different religions and I'd love to more so this is great! I'm also glad that it hasn't turned into one big fight yet! there always seems to be someone that doesn't like someone for something ya know.
I a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (what a mouth full!) A.K.A a Mormon.
I hope that doesn't bother anyone. I've gotten quite a lot of flames for it on forums in the past!
well we hope to not get any flamers for any religions here, its an open - friendly topic here.
but i already know a few mormons anyway ^^ its always good to see people with faith :keke:
--- Quote from: Ruby Chan on June 02 2005, 06:29 am ---Yup...although I'm not a major follower of religion, I find it incredibly aggravating when people insult people's faith - whether they're Christian, Hindu, Muslim, Buddhist or anything else.
--- End quote ---
i think the people who are like that are normally very small minded and totally biased. we should stay away from them.
my faith, i think i said earlier, is i just go by what i want to believe (i don't particuly enjoy being in a organised religion)
what's a mormon?
Miss Jenni-Maie:
I don't know either [is clueless of everything]
But I personally couldn't handle being in an organized religion either, VexNet...too organized.
I have faith in myself...that's enough for me.
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