Earlier I was watching this interview with the director about the movie and how he didn't get very good remarks from the critics about it. But the interviwer brought up a very good question (that I can't remember at this moment ^^;), but his respone stuck out to me.
He said that he can't exactly speak out for Dan Brown, he wrote the book so as not to offened Catholics/Christians, but as another point of thinking. I think that that is what the book really did, it makes you think. It's not real, but you go over it in your head, "Yea, I never thought about it that way. Maybe I should look into it more." Or the opposite of that would be, "No, I've made my opinion on that topic, I don't need to know more about that."
But I really was itiching to see it...After reading the book and all. It won't change my faith, but I just want to see another person's view of thinking. After all, the movie and book are just fiction. Faith is faith, if you truely believe in something, something fictional shouldn't change your faith.