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Personality test

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I usually do not have a good impression of online personality test as they are very inaccurate... But I happened to come across a website on Okamirei-chan's lj, took some of the tests and found them quite accurate. (But you have to be truthful :D)
They have many different tests, but I reccommend:
Advanced Global Personality Test
Big Five Personality Test

And.. From what I can gather from those tests,

trait snapshot:
messy, disorganized, not rule conscious, rebellious, rash, weird, ambivalent about chaos, likes bizarre things, anti-authority, not good at saving money (<-This one, I disagree. :tongue:), not a perfectionist, leaves many things unfinished, low self control, strange, desires more attention, romantic daydreamer, abstract, impractical, unproductive, leisurely, likes the unknown (Ok.... o.0;)

Eh, the rest of the results from other tests are here. :heh:

So, what are some of your personalities? ^^ (Be it those that you are aware of and those that you are not. X3)

I found the advanced global personality test to be more accurate. It was spot on actually. Thanks Kudan. It said I was shy and had a matry complex! (I don't think that bits true).

My results:

I guess it does sounds kinda like me...   :sweatdrop:

Global personality test: clean, organized, dislikes chaos, semi neat freak, perfectionist, traditional, realist, fits in most places, enjoys managing others, risk averse, good at saving money, prudent, respects authority, high self control, hard working, does not like to stand out, follows the rules, finisher, resilient, takes precautions, cautious, honest, unfamiliar with the dark side of life, practical, dutiful

mostly true, but in real life, I'm kinda a loner....

atou, results here


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