CLAMP's Famous Works > Season 2

[TRC Arc 2] Episode 5: The Boy's Determination

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The raw is here, if you prefer that to Chinese subs. :sweatdrop:
Edit: Kyaaa, the kawaii-ness~!
 Show content Did Fujitaka say he wanted to be like Syaoran when he grew up? Kyaaa! That's so adorable!
Although, if there was no feather in this world, why did they stay to begin with? :XD:

Å akura:
Kawaii!!! Honto no Arigatou Gozaimasu Suu_no_Clover-san!!! ^.^

EDIT: T.T i need it in Direct Download  :cry: onegai desu!!! T.T connetion is very slow...T.T i don't understand it ....


English sub has been released

Show contentSaw the RAW, it was really touching, even though I don't know what they are talking about... ^^; I loved this week's animation, just looking at the sea makes me want to visit the beach sometime soon. :keke:
However, I found it a little weird that it was Fai who screamed for Syaoran went he and Fujitaka got swept away instead of Sakura. ._. A little anti-climax when Kurogane killed the monster with one swipe... :sweatdrop: The scene where Syaoran said "Sayonara" sounded so sad.. *sniff* At least Syaoran got to see his father again. ^^ Overall this episode's really good.

Okay, If it wasn't for Kawaii Chibi-Fujitaka Show content and Mokona saying how they might, one day, see a chibi-Kurorin since times doesn't always match up (that gave me a giggle, I think they are foreshadowing the Rekord arc) then I would have hated this episode.  Sure, it was cute and it was sweet to see Syaoran with Fujitaka, but there was no story to it.  I've liked all of the episodes so far (even the fillers) but this is one episode I won't be watching again.  And I'm NOT looking forward to next weeks episode.  Show contentWe don't know anything about Chii yet (who she is to Fay, why he made her, how important she is) so I don't want the anime making assumptions and casting her in a certain way if it's going to contradict the manga later on.
I really wish they would just get on with the plot (since it seems there is going to be as much plot in next weeks episode as this weeks, and as there was more plot in my mug of tea than in this weeks episode that says a lot).

I'm not one to bash things (I'm very much of the 'if you can't say anything nice don't say anything at all' camp) but this episode has just started to run down my patience.  Maybe I'll feel better when the next manga chapter is released.


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