CLAMP's Famous Works > Season 2
[TRC Arc 2] Episode 5: The Boy's Determination
bepiozo - OMFG, He was singing Zankou, wasn't he? That's so hilarious! *giggle snort* (Especially considering how fiunny that song sounded... :P )
Sailor Yue-chan:
--- Quote from: bepiozo on May 30 2006, 01:50 am ---LOL did you guys all hear that tiny part where Kurogane hums his song, Zankou?? It's right before the sailors call him a "Rookie"
hahah funnies thing ever :rotfl:
--- End quote ---
he DID?? *goes to see*
EDIT: OMG hie IS!! thats so funny :greengrin:
I really liked this episode's music... lots of my favorites were played!
To be honest... I expected King Kong to come out of that cave or something! This episode totally reminded me of that movie.
Teehee I started singing the song when I heard him humming Zankou. I wish he would of sung or hummed more of it XD
It was a pretty interesting eppy, but it seemed...I dunno there was alot of still scenes were there could of been more action And......
Show content That laughing thing gave me the creeps and was really starting to annoy me....Next weeks episode makes me feel like could they? Me being a Chobits fan that I am just can't accept it, I'm sorry T.T
*sticks to the manga instead.....*
I had to watch it again to hear Kurogane sing! I can't believe you guys noticed even that. :rotfl: I liked the episode. It was really sweet and also looking forward for Chi next week. :okay:
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