CLAMP's Famous Works > Season 2

[TRC Arc 2] Episode 5: The Boy's Determination

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I wasn't too happy with this episode, actually... Getting a bit annoyed by the 'let's make up another world that doesn't appear in the manga' idea - episode 32 will be the third one in a row, I mean, come on! They really think no-one will notice they jump from one world to another in just 2 episodes?
Anyway, animation and all was fine, I don't have any comments about that. Little Fujitaka creeped me out for some reason, I didn't expect him to look like that as a kid. I also expected another voice for him...  And indeed, it was a bit too much of Syaoran-focusing. OK, he's one of the main characters, if not the main character, but still... Whatever.
I was REALLY scared when I heared the Ghost's laughing - it was so Spongebob-like (at least, like the Dutch version)! (they're crossing over with Spongebob now, too?!)
So, conclusion, I liked the technical side (drawingstyle, animation etc) of the episode quite a lot, but the storyline... Hm. I'm really curious to the next episode, tho', because I really liked Chii in Tsubasa style and I couldn't wait for her to appear once again, so... But it won't be that great if they're gonna assume things about Chii and Fai that haven't happened in the manga (yet). Some people above have already said that, if I'm not mistaking... And I totally agree. Stick to the story, please! I've seen enough anime that made a mess of the mangastoryline, don't do this to me with my favourite manga.

i learned two things!

Show content one that we'll eventually see kurogane's past (as mokona mentioned, "we'll see kurogane's in a little child form!")
and also that fay shows disinterest in sushi like in manga XD
little sad episode, but cute ^^

I saw here the episode:

I thought this episode was kinda cute, neat how Beetrain made the little Fujitaka.


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