When Yugioh first came on TV, I didn't really seem all that interested in it, but then I checked it out of curiosity and I've been hooked ever since. Sadly, the dub really screwed up a lot of things. 4Kids changed all the music, most of the names of the characters, combined certain episodes, cut out any religious symbols (like crosses and pentagrams), some violence, censored any brief nudity, and there was even a reference to rape in one of the episodes in the Japanese version, which was changed to Tea being threated by a mugger rather than a rapist in the dub. I also hated how they tried to censor out all the death with the "Shadow Realm" crap. Thankfully, 4Kids has released the uncut Yugioh DVDs, but they've only released the first three volumes. Actually, they released volume three for a little while, but then stopped selling copies of it and delayed any other future volumes for reasons unknown and for who knows how long. Luckily, I bought my copy of it as soon as I could. The uncut version is really amazing! I love watching it all in Japanese with English subtitles, and while the new dub that's on the uncut DVDs is uncut, they still use the dub names and it's still the same awful VAs the edited dub used, so I only watch the Japanese version.
I've also seen the first six episodes of Yugioh: A Shadow Game fansubbed and really want to see the rest of it. It was very good and a lot different from the Duel Monsters series. I also have the first five volumes of the manga which I really love a lot, although the art style is a little weird compared to the second anime series. My fav Yugioh character has to be a tie between Jonouchi and Mai. I used to hate Jonouchi in the dub because his fake New Jersey accent got on my nerves, but he's a lot funnier in the Japanese version, and his acting is a lot better, too. And Mai I've always liked just because she's cool. Probably my least fav Yugioh character is Honda because they barely do anything with him at all, so it's kind of hard to like a character that does nothing at all. I also thought the American-made Yugioh movie was kind of dull. It had some funny moments in it and really good animation, but the storyline was too unoriginal and predictable for my tastes. I still haven't seen that 30 minute Japanese Yugioh movie yet, though I really want to. My fav arc of Yugioh is Battle City, even though I've only seen the dub of it. It had some really exiciting moments in it and Marik was a really cool, psychotic villian. My fav moment has to be when Mai is dueling with him. She was just really cool during that duel! My least fav arc has to be the Noa arc. I wanted to see more of the Battle City tournament yet they just had to interrupt the storyline to go off in this completely different and boring plot. And the only new important thing you learn is some background story stuff on Seto, yet the manga was able to cover all this in only one or two pages, so I don't see why they needed to take this detour just to cover this info.