CLAMP's Famous Works > Season 2

[TRC Arc 2] Episode 6: A Date with a Sorcerer

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Ok, now I'm in love, well not totaly, with Bee Train, yes, sometimes the Animation sucks, story lines are messed with, having one thing wrong, then trying to fix it later, but the fillers all so make it fun. I thought it was cute, and that it should not be bashed, since a lot of fans are doing it, me mostly bashing Bee Train, but having a change is alright, and its something most people arn't expecting. It isn't a good epi, but I liked it none the less. I wish they would do A Kuro-Fai epi soon as a filler, since it they do have a Touya Yukito every epi or so, so please people, quit bashing poor Bee Train until they really need it.

Thanks for the song. I think Chii's voice is annoying befoe I even see the episode O.o, I wasnt too fond of her chobits voice either :D but I didnt see much of it.

Fai & Ashura in the next world
Guy: Their god is Ashura
Fai: <Oh F***! He's a god O.O *freaks*>

Magical Angel 101:

--- Quote from: ChibiChocobo on June 05 2006, 08:10 am ---i got the raw here

--- End quote ---
What do you tpy into the search?

Magical Angel 101:  You type "tsubasa chronicle" and it should show up as the 2nd one.  =)

Adorable episode!!  Too cheesy for me but it was alright.  Very good animation and I could even go to the lengths that this episode was perfect 'cept the fact that it was a filler.  ^^;   Thanks so much suu_no_clover for the song rip!!  <3  ^__^

Sailor Yue-chan:
some song that i heard: a softer, more likeable version of 1+0 city when they were at that diner at the begining. and FINALY the return of Fai's character song ^^


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