CLAMP's Famous Works > Season 2
[TRC Arc 2] Episode 6: A Date with a Sorcerer
you can download the RAW episode here:
enjoy people :D
(I'll put up the subbed version as soon as possible)
--- Quote from: meliwan on June 05 2006, 10:20 am ---I thought he said "kowai" which means scary.
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I dunno he probably did o_o;
It would make more sense and It's hard for me to understand mokona anyways XD
My bad ^_^;
--- Quote from: kirbycat89 on June 05 2006, 02:53 pm ---I dunno he probably did o_o;
It would make more sense and It's hard for me to understand mokona anyways XD
My bad ^_^;
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Don't worry about it. I know very little Japanese but that is one of the few words I have picked up, after hearing kawaii for the first 100 times then realizing that the characters weren't calling things cute, but frightening ;_; hahaha.
one of the best filler episodes sofar, lots of cute moments, nice scenes to animate and
Show contentwas that a new song somewhere at the end of the episode?
Sailor Yue-chan:
--- Quote from: Kuro-puppy on June 05 2006, 04:20 pm ---one of the best filler episodes sofar, lots of cute moments, nice scenes to animate and
Show contentwas that a new song somewhere at the end of the episode?
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its called "dreamscape" i think suu made a rip of it.
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