CLAMP's Famous Works > Season 2
[TRC Arc 2] Episode 6: A Date with a Sorcerer
Magical Angel 101:
Awww, what, a very cute epsiode!Show content Wow the animation was best I've seen yet!, I loved the epsiode, and loved the chemistery between Fai and Chii! I liked how we got insight on Fai's pasted abiteXD the scences were beauitful drawn:) Next week's epsiode looks good...but some how the manga, makes it look better I don't know, maybe just meXD Hopefully the animation great again...I belive this will be 3 parter epsiode? I can't wait, for when Sakura gives Syoran a kiss on the cheek! *fangirl squeal!*
Yup, I guess the Shura arc will have about 3 or 4 episodes. Unless they start filling it with useless bantering, and Ryuuoh talks, like they did in Outo. (Okay, so Ryuuoh didn't appear in Shura country in the manga... But Beetrain seems to love the kid.)
I'm really giddy, because this means they're gonna get the entire Lecourt country arc (*squeee!*) in this season too! And probably the world that comes after it. ^_^
Sailor Yue-chan:
--- Quote from: Meowzy on June 06 2006, 03:47 am ---Yup, I guess the Shura arc will have about 3 or 4 episodes. Unless they start filling it with useless bantering, and Ryuuoh talks, like they did in Outo. (Okay, so Ryuuoh didn't appear in Shura country in the manga... But Beetrain seems to love the kid.)
I'm really giddy, because this means they're gonna get the entire Lecourt country arc (*squeee!*) in this season too! And probably the world that comes after it. ^_^
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i hope that after the shura arc they give us the Country of Idols (the little talking fox thingies) then do the lecourt arc.
--- Quote from: SailorYue on June 06 2006, 08:32 am ---i hope that after the shura arc they give us the Country of Idols (the little talking fox thingies) then do the lecourt arc.
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Me, too! I wanna see those little talking rabbits in action. I also wanna see Syaoran get knocked out by a fruit. X3
Sailor Yue-chan:
the shura arc will eb 4 episodes:
33. Ashura's History
34. The Never-ending War
35. The Two Memories
36. Love That Transcends Time
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