CLAMP's Famous Works > Season 2
[TRC Arc 2] Episode 6: A Date with a Sorcerer
--- Quote from: Chibikawa on June 06 2006, 08:35 am ---Me, too! I wanna see those little talking rabbits in action. I also wanna see Syaoran get knocked out by a fruit. X3
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Hehehe... when I first read that in the manga I was laughing at Syaoran!!!
--- Quote from: SailorYue on June 06 2006, 08:55 am ---the shura arc will eb 4 episodes:
33. Ashura's History
34. The Never-ending War
35. The Two Memories
36. Love That Transcends Time
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4 Episodes?? not bad?? I'm looking forward to the Kuro vs. Syaoran match..
I'm going to watch it try not to think of the RG Veda Ashura/Yasha >.>, they should not gotten together and I choose to interpret the end of RGV that they didnt.
It'll be interesting to see how Beetrain cope with animating the very long skinny Ashura O.o he's going to be as thin as a board :D at least the holic people arnt doing it XD
The animation for this episode was so beautiful! Much better than the last few eps...
Show contentWhy does Fai look surprised when Yukito 'magically' makes the food appear? Isn't he a mage? Lol. Chi was pretty, but my God was her voice high-pitched!
A pretty sweet episode, though, for a filler.
Sailor Yue-chan:
--- Quote from: Emiko on June 06 2006, 10:49 am ---The animation for this episode was so beautiful! Much better than the last few eps...
Show contentWhy does Fai look surprised when Yukito 'magically' makes the food appear? Isn't he a mage? Lol. Chi was pretty, but my God was her voice high-pitched!
A pretty sweet episode, though, for a filler.
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Show contenthe was probably startkled. he's quite powerful and maybe the spell casted was powerful (he has strong intuition, maybe he felt the wave of power ) also, it HAS been almost a year since fai's used his own magic, so maybe he was caoght offguard taht way too.
Show contentIt was kind of cute, though Chi's voice is way too squeaky >__< it hurts your ears ^^;
I'm gald Fye finally got an episode ^_^ and we get a tiny glimpse into his past...
I liked it when Fye jumped over the guards with Sakura and was like 'see you later eveyone!'
XDD funny!
Sumomo makes me laugh! XD (who is her seiyu? her Seiyu in Chobits was Syaorans CCS voice actress! is it still her?)
anyway.... lol
I'm glad to see there are some good episodes coming up *crosses fingers* keep the good animtion up Bee train please!! >__<
--- Quote ---Me, too! I wanna see those little talking rabbits in action. I also wanna see Syaoran get knocked out by a fruit. X3
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XDD that made me laugh when I read that comment. lol
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