CLAMP's Famous Works > Season 2
[TRC Arc 2] Episode 6: A Date with a Sorcerer
--- Quote from: meliwan on June 07 2006, 04:44 pm ---Not only that, but the animation quality is a bit, well, bad. *snort* This episode had nice animation, but I hated the story. Other episodes have nice stories but really bad animation. AND I WANT THEM TO GET DRUNK. It is so weird but that is one of my pet peeves. No drunk Syaoran trying to fight with a ladle and no drunk Sakura and Fai meowing... *sobs* The soundtrack is very pretty though. I just wonder how bad they are going to mess up this next arc. I heard it was only 4 episodes long... o_o Huh.
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I know, I stopped watching the anime for so long, I just recently started to watch it again... xD; Then I got into the manga again, and I'm still surprised at how infinitely better it is. The anime is only worthwhile because of sounds made from Fai (Hyuu!), and Mokona and the battle music. *__* Yeaah, did they really leave out the drunk parts? T__T I loved those parts- I wondered whether I might've missed it >__<
Nyaa, I've heard so many things about Chii's voice being grating and annoying and I'm scared to watch it now. XD
I wonder whether they'll show Fai's surprise if he finds out that it's Kid!Ashura he's supposed to be facing, not his!Ashura. XD;;; They left that out in the manga and it made me saaad.
--- Quote from: Jadeth on June 07 2006, 07:15 pm ---I know, I stopped watching the anime for so long, I just recently started to watch it again... xD; Then I got into the manga again, and I'm still surprised at how infinitely better it is. The anime is only worthwhile because of sounds made from Fai (Hyuu!), and Mokona and the battle music. *__* Yeaah, did they really leave out the drunk parts? T__T I loved those parts- I wondered whether I might've missed it >__<
Nyaa, I've heard so many things about Chii's voice being grating and annoying and I'm scared to watch it now. XD
I wonder whether they'll show Fai's surprise if he finds out that it's Kid!Ashura he's supposed to be facing, not his!Ashura. XD;;; They left that out in the manga and it made me saaad.
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Yup, they cut out all the drunken parts, I guess it has something to do with the intended audience and broadcasting channel. I really don't know. All traces of alcohol are cut out pretty much, except when they go into Clover because well, it's a bar. Fai's seiyuu is definitely another reason I like watching the anime, he does a good job. I don't have a problem with any of the seiyuu, actually, it's just the crappy story alterations they make T_T The manga is infinitely superior, it actually makes me care a lot for the characters, while when I had only watched the anime I was like "Eh, it's nice but..."
The annoyingness of Chii's voice only added to the whole annoyingness of the episode, sadly.
Hm, I wonder if they'll show Fai's reaction to the name Ashura, because I know Kuropon comments on it but they never actually show it, I think.
Sailor Yue-chan:
--- Quote from: meliwan on June 07 2006, 07:32 pm ---Yup, they cut out all the drunken parts, I guess it has something to do with the intended audience and broadcasting channel. I really don't know. All traces of alcohol are cut out pretty much, except when they go into Clover because well, it's a bar. Fai's seiyuu is definitely another reason I like watching the anime, he does a good job. I don't have a problem with any of the seiyuu, actually, it's just the crappy story alterations they make T_T The manga is infinitely superior, it actually makes me care a lot for the characters, while when I had only watched the anime I was like "Eh, it's nice but..."
The annoyingness of Chii's voice only added to the whole annoyingness of the episode, sadly.
Hm, I wonder if they'll show Fai's reaction to the name Ashura, because I know Kuropon comments on it but they never actually show it, I think.
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no they never showed us fai's face when the priest mentioned "ashura" but im sure it will be similar to that horific tiny pupiled look we saw when kuro menioned the name.
just so you guys know, i saw on LE's boards that Tofusensi was AWOL for the past 6 days, tho he was seen online yesterday. so we hopefully will get the episde with in a day or so.
--- Quote from: Jeannette on June 07 2006, 05:24 am ---I said this on my LJ, but I'll say it again. Seeing Fai attempt to pass himself off as heterosexual is painful.
You don't like Yasha/Ashura? XD Because of the age difference? Or you just don't think they make a good couple? I must admit, I was far more comfortable with Yasha/Ashura in Shurano than in RG Veda, because of the whole age difference thing. In RG Veda Yasha/Ashura was sometimes too much like pedophilia for my taste. >< I still wanted them to get together, just when Ashura was a bit older.
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It wasnt the age difference so much, ok there was a difference and there's a whole other wrongness I have yet to explore there. But for the entire manga they acted like father and son, people refered to them as father and son. Putting them together romanticaly seemed liek a relationship for the sake of a relationship because their love was platonic. They're too close to family. Just because they're not blood related doesnt make them any less of a father and son and there was never a hint of anything but that unitl the final pages.
That's why I oppose to Ashura/Yasha.
In the back of book 9, is says 'We purposely don't refer to Ashura as a man or woman, no charaters calls ashura she or he as in the Japanese no honorifics are used to define his/her sex'
so... I don't think they are avoiding the 'gay relationship'... at least... not on purpose..
And I agree with what you said about the drunken antics being cut out. Maybe its because they think Syaoran and Sakura are too young so its wrong to show it. The drinking age in Japan is 21 right?
Its only 18 here XDD LOL.
Can't say I've ever run around with a ladel.
there was that time with the broom though... XDD
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