CLAMP's Famous Works > Season 2

[TRC Arc 2] Episode 6: A Date with a Sorcerer

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Aww, FaixChii, okay sure, there are other couples I prefer more than this, but this episode was just TOO CUTE for me to not call adorable. Okay, now I'm squealing like an otaku -_-' but still, I thought this was a really nice filler. We got to see serious Fai at the beginning too, really nice!

Cherry tiger:
I have to agree... this episode was just so cute! I was really squealing in my seat from the cuteness. And I just love that song somewhere at the end... where Chii was saying she watned to be with Fye so much. A really good song and it really felt like it suited the moment.

I can't say whether I love Fye+Chii now... but let's just say I think they're absolutely adorable thanks to this episode. ^^

Sailor Yue-chan:

--- Quote from: sanlyn on June 09 2006, 07:06 pm ---This episode so sweet.  Its my favorite filler for the second arc so far. 
[SPOILER=actual dialogue]
 Fay: Stop it Chi.. if you pass this door you'll ...
Chi: Fay ... together with Chi... lets go
      Chi want to be with Fay forever ... escape
      Chi want to escape together with Fay forever
Fay:  sorry .. we can't do that
Chi:  why
Fay:  because escaping is very painful
Chi:  if two of us together, we can divide the pain into half
Fay:  its because two of us are together, pain may be doubled
Chi:  Chi don't understand what Fay said and don't want to understand it.
Fay:  so.. lets go back... everyone is waiting for us.
Chi:  Fay

sakura:  the long night ends at last

sumomo:  chi sama safely comes back.  its something to celebrate
kotoko:  i am very grateful.. Fay-san

Fay:  its not me.. Chi decides it for herself
       sayonara arigato chi
Chi:  sayonara?
Fay:  this is a greeting when we are about to part away
       It mean let's meet again someday
Chi:   sayonara
        sayonara fai

--- End quote ---
i like this diaologue better than YGO's. YGO got alot of things wrong. "

"next episode Ashura's Saying"

did ashura ever way anything? legend, origin, HISTORY are way better. -_- YGO neds a new writer, and we need a new translater for Dattebeyo(SP) :(

::sigh:: This episode was well animated but it did nothing for me. 
[rant]Chii was FAR cuter in Chobits and there was so little chemistry between her and Fai that it seemed rather trite.  I wouldn't mind the fillers so much if they were interesting (like the two fillers from season one and the first filler in this season) but these last two were awful, only relying on 'cuteness' factor to keep people interested and that's not what Tsubasa is about!  It's a SHOUNEN manga! [/rant]

If only they'd used this animation crew for the next episode instead of wasting them with this...rubbish.

I'm not normally one to bash things, but they REALLY seem to have lost the plot for this anime.  They take perfectly good manga storylines, remove anything entertaining from them to condense the length down, use poor animation staff on them and then create boring filler episodes with the better animation crews to use up the time they lost from shortening the manga storyline.


If I’m honest, this episode actually made me feel quite ill. True the animation was beautiful but the story itself was so far off-cannon it destroyed whatever enjoyment I might have had from watching it.

This episode makes me wonder if CLAMP are even consulted at all about the numourous changes that the writers of the anime have made to the Tsubasa story. Most likely, they aren’t and that bothers me a lot.
As much as I dislike the filler episodes at least they have all been cute and non-plot inpacting before this one.
I’m a huge fan of the adorable Hideki x Chii relationship from Chobits and I also enjoy the different relationship that CLAMP wrote for Fai and Chii in Tsubasa, which seemed very much one of Creator/Creation, Master/Assistant (Servent/Pet?). Fai certainly didn’t seem that corcerned with leaving Chii behind in his world, he seemed more in pain over what had happened with Ashra (whatever that might turn out to be). Fai left Chii behind with nothing more than a quick, cutesy cuddle, a pat on the head and a few “Good Chii, good Chii”s, as if she was some kind of pet.
As CLAMP have regularly stated in the manga, alternate versions of characters all share the same soul. So, of course, if Chii were to be with anyone, it would be Hideki, her soulmate, her “Special someone just for her.”, no matter what dimention she’s in (as with Arashi and Sorata, Yuki and Toya, Syaoran and Sakura etc). I’m pretty certain CLAMP wouldn’t throw their entire Chobits series out the window just to pair Fai with Chii. Don’t get me wrong, there certainly seems to be affection there, but in no way did the manga make it seem like romantic affection.
So, to me, it just feels like a step too far by the writers of the anime. It feels like they’re trying to take the reigns from CLAMP and write the relationships and stories the way they want them.


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