AuthorTopic: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 6: A Date with a Sorcerer  (Read 58255 times)

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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 6: A Date with a Sorcerer
« Reply #80 on: June 20 2006, 01:56 am »
I totally agree with dark_persian above! The storyline is... eh.
I just watched the episode with subtitles and what can I say... it's a complete chobits-flashback, but then with Fai instead of Hideki. Teaching Chii words, taking her out, the chemistry, problems ahead, Chii losing her memory... It annoyed me every second. I'll admit it, the art was beautiful, but the story was... ugh. Almost as if this was a promotion episode for the Tsubasa-readers that don't know Chobits. They've made a stap too far indeed by suggesting that something more is going on between Fai and Chii. Come on, we don't know, Chii never appeared again after chapter 2! They can't know, unless CLAMP told BeeTrain the entire story, but I doubt that. (Episode 30 looked awefully lot like a correction of episode 26).
Really. It was a Chobits-flashback, entirely - I almost started to miss Zima, Dita and my cute pink Atashi. Sigh. I'm glad they're getting back to the real story next episode. Only positive thing I can say is, the art was great in this episode, but further...
Sorry, I'm just disappointed.

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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 6: A Date with a Sorcerer
« Reply #81 on: June 20 2006, 02:37 am »
I've yet to finish reading Chobits, but I've heard so many people say this is so much like Chobits, so I believe it. Touya and Yuki were stuck in this episode in an attempt to avoid an uprising among the fans they had to know would hate this episode. "See, see? We're not REALLY trying to ignore Fai's blatant gayness. We swear. Here's an ambiguously portrayed gay couple. Pleasedon'tkillusweswearwewon'tdoitagain." Anywho. I thought that those of us who don't have a livejournal might like to read a parody screen capping of this episode, to be found here.
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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 6: A Date with a Sorcerer
« Reply #82 on: June 20 2006, 05:26 am »
It was just a sickenly blatent attempt to leech off of the sucess of Chobits. If I spoke any Japanese I would have written a strongly worded email to BEE TRAIN asking them to actually READ the manga and stop trying to make up their own fanficesk-episodes.

As has already been show with episode 26 and 30, they can't even keep their own plot-hole-filled stories straight. Now with this episode, by attempting to be clever and write big, plot-impacting stories themselves they've boxed themselves into a corner that they're going to find it very difficult to get themselves out of when CLAMP finally does write the end of the story and reveal Fai's past.

My personal opinion on Tsubasa Chii is that she was created to be Fai's magical assistant. As we saw in the Outo arc, he asks Sakura to help run the shop with him and help him out with the cooking. He then tells Sakura that to him cooking and baking is much like the creating of spells and magical artifacts. So, my theory is that he was asking Sakura to be his assistant in replacement of Chii - every magican needs an assistant. :)

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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 6: A Date with a Sorcerer
« Reply #83 on: June 20 2006, 08:39 am »
It was just a sickenly blatent attempt to leech off of the sucess of Chobits. If I spoke any Japanese I would have written a strongly worded email to BEE TRAIN asking them to actually READ the manga and stop trying to make up their own fanficesk-episodes.

thats what it seemed like. an animated fanfic :S, tho im sure i could have come up with soemthing better, reuniting between fai and chii :S
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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 6: A Date with a Sorcerer
« Reply #84 on: June 20 2006, 09:20 am »
Maybe it's because I've never liked "cutesy" relationships, but I did NOT get romantic vibes from this episode. Even when Chi kept saying things about how she wanted to run away with Fai, I STILL could not think of them as a couple. The whole thing felt very brother/sisterly, which is the absolute most the Fai/Chi relationship can be for me.

This episode has just further increased the feeling of lifelessness the anime seems to have.
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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 6: A Date with a Sorcerer
« Reply #85 on: June 20 2006, 10:30 am »
I almost started to miss Zima, Dita and my cute pink Atashi.

Jima and Dita!  OMG they are my favourites from Chobits!  They need to appear in TRC and they need to appear yesterday! *fangirl*

Dammit, now I have to read Chobits again and squee over all the Dita/Jima scenes.

Now if they had an episode of Fay-tachi trying to save Chii (who looks like his cute little assistant who he thinks of as a pet) from Dita and Jima who are trying to capture her and send her back to a lab/prison/workhouse and lots of Syaoran and Kurogane jumping around on rooftops after the pair only to come face to face with hissing little alleycat Dita (instead of big, tall Jima) whilst Jima tries to sweet talk Fay and Sakura into getting the puppies to stay out of things so he can grab Dita and set up a scheme to let Chii go (cause Jima's a sweetheart) and he and Dita can disappear and be cute together...that is a filler I would enjoy (okay, it wouldn't have a very good plot but it would have Dita and Jima!  And rooftop jumping action!).

Yeah, just ignore the fangirlish rant!


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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 6: A Date with a Sorcerer
« Reply #86 on: June 20 2006, 10:45 am »
I felt this episode was a huge disappointment.  I really do think this was the first episode that I've had to stop a couple of times half-way through because I was bored.

When I first saw the previews for it (oh so long ago) I was happy because yay, a Fye ep!  But now that I've finally seen the episode I have to agree with those who have been saying that it seemed like a rip-off of Chobits because that's exactly what it was.  It was an Chobits AU but with Fye instead of Hideki.

But I think the real disappointment comes from the fact that the ep *could* have been done better even if Bee Train wanted to a Chobits rip-off.  Instead of having those weird soldiers chasing Chi and Fye they could have used Zima and Dita instead.  Hideki could have been used somewhere.  Instead of Chi being upset about not being able to leave the castle they could have done something where she was depressed because being Queen kept her away from her true love and needed Fye's help in cheering up/finding Hideki.
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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 6: A Date with a Sorcerer
« Reply #87 on: June 20 2006, 11:54 am »
Nice art, too-cutesy episode (plus I never liked Chobits anyways). I agree with Emiko about the non-romantic vibes though, especially considering how Fai kept patting Chii.

Anywho. I thought that those of us who don't have a livejournal might like to read a parody screen capping of this episode, to be found here.

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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 6: A Date with a Sorcerer
« Reply #88 on: June 20 2006, 04:21 pm »
i like this diaologue better than YGO's. YGO got alot of things wrong. "

"next episode Ashura's Saying"

did ashura ever way anything? legend, origin, HISTORY are way better. -_- YGO neds a new writer, and we need a new translater for Dattebeyo(SP) :(

wow... Thanks for your compliment  ~cookie
i do also commit some mistakes like it should be gate rather than door.

Despite of negative statements, i still like this filler episode.  They might not be faithful with the manga but the story didn't bored me at all and in addition I am a big fan of  fiction junction music.

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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 6: A Date with a Sorcerer
« Reply #89 on: June 21 2006, 08:27 pm »
If Bee Train wanted to a Chobits rip-off. Instead of having those weird soldiers chasing Chi and Fye they could have used Zima and Dita instead. Hideki could have been used somewhere. Instead of Chi being upset about not being able to leave the castle they could have done something where she was depressed because being Queen kept her away from her true love and needed Fye's help in cheering up/finding Hideki.

Now, that is an episode I would have loved because it would have fitted in perfectly with CLAMP canon-verse! It would have been so cute! Plus we would have gotten to see the ever fantastic Dita and Zima again and more Hideki x Chii to keep us all "Aww"ing.

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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 6: A Date with a Sorcerer
« Reply #90 on: June 22 2006, 03:16 am »
Now, that is an episode I would have loved because it would have fitted in perfectly with CLAMP canon-verse! It would have been so cute! Plus we would have gotten to see the ever fantastic Dita and Zima again and more Hideki x Chii to keep us all "Aww"ing.

Oh, agreed!  I think Dita and Jima are now at the top of my 'Clamp Character's I REALLY want to appear in TRC' (now that Subaru has kinda shown up...wait, Hokoto, Dita and Jima then the Wish crew).

And how DARE they even TRY to pair Chi up with anyone other than Hideki...he's even willing to stay a virgin for her  :wink: (I doubt if Fay could say the same, although Fay's obvious gayness mutes the point anyway).

Clamp ought to include a Hideki in Fay's past now as Chi's true love...just to discredit beetrain!


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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 6: A Date with a Sorcerer
« Reply #91 on: June 23 2006, 02:51 am »
do u know where i can find the song in this episode please...i sounds really nice...i would like to  have it  :cry:
« Last Edit: June 23 2006, 03:08 am by tsubasachronicle91 »

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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 6: A Date with a Sorcerer
« Reply #92 on: June 23 2006, 03:35 am »
do u know where i can find the song in this episode please...i sounds really nice...i would like to have it :cry:

i think that's the song 'dreamscape' , the song isn't out yet
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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 6: A Date with a Sorcerer
« Reply #93 on: July 23 2006, 02:38 am »
do u know where i can find the song in this episode please...i sounds really nice...i would like to have it :cry:

I too liked the song, and like Kuro-puppy said it's called 'dreamscape'. I found it, and you can download it on, but you have to be a member or you can download it here, it's under 'Future Soundscape III'.  :greengrin:

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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 6: A Date with a Sorcerer
« Reply #94 on: September 18 2006, 08:36 am »
Thanx, im already a member there.  but heres a better site i got from kuro puppy

This one has all the cds from 1 to 3 and it has every single, but amurita has Loop as the first one other than Amurita just a warning.  but u can get that out of gendou

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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 6: A Date with a Sorcerer
« Reply #95 on: September 18 2006, 01:34 pm »
Thanx, im already a member there. but heres a better site i got from kuro puppy

This one has all the cds from 1 to 3 and it has every single, but amurita has Loop as the first one other than Amurita just a warning. but u can get that out of gendou

i corrected that link, so it should be Amurita now
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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 6: A Date with a Sorcerer
« Reply #96 on: September 25 2006, 05:51 pm »
I´m on the other side of most opinions here. I am going to make a long statement of my thoughts that may seem a little bit off topic but they are all the same about this ep.

First I had not watched  a Tsubasa episode for two months. I was on an internal ranting about how awful the animation and storylines had become. I trashed about everything involving Tsubasa (or Holic) anime. So I took some "time off". Then, somewhere during last week I saw somewhere a short description of some episode featuring what could be a suggestion of faixchi. That moment I knew it would have been a very controversial filler episode just based upon the huge amount of kuroxfye population. I had to watch it!

I´m a very strange person when it comes to pairings. I don´t really fall for popular ones, or easy ones, or "this is the one and only true pairing and the world has to accept it" ones. I get kinda rebel then and my bad little brain and heart make me dislike such pairings without much logical reason. As the Kuroxfye shipping became stronger, it became less appealing to me. Sure, I´m not blind and followed their whole interactions (the name callings, the angst, the talks) and liked them, but I disliked the fandom part so much. Then again, shippings are like that; pasionate about their OTP´s, I´m used to it but that didn´t make me dislike it less.

It took more than 123 manga chapters to become attached by myself to the kuroxfye pairing. It was then that on cannon I could feel I could ship them together too.  I still can´t go "kya!" for watching Fye on dresses or being a complete uke that reminds me so much of women on "novelas", which is btw normally well-accepted.

When I sat down, ready to see whatever bizarre story had ocurred to Bee Train this time I wasn´t nervous, nor biased, nor happy, just curious. While I took a break from the series I learned not to take it too serious and as someonelse stated before, I actually find much more interesting all the filler chapters than the real story ones because there´s nothing to compare them to.

Episode started. I was surprised by the good designs and decent animation on most of it, and the story, for me, was quite charming. Yeah, sickening cute, but nice anyway. I think hardcore kuroxfye fans could find good things on it if they wanted. Already read that part of Kurogane not wanting to see the hugs. You could also note that Fye never told Chii any actual romantic words, maybe he was just nice to her because she reminded him of his creation. Maybe the reason why Fye hardly answered Chii when she spoke of leaving with him was that he was thinking about Kurogane. Who knows :P

Then for those others who are not followers of kuroxfye (if any, I wonder) it was a nice break.

I know I can be stonned to death now ^^;;;