General Discussions > Anything goes...

Tricky's riddles

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Kina, The Dark Keyblade Master:
mehehe...Level 10........HARD!!!!!!!

^ Ore mo >_<

Konata Izumi:

--- Quote from: platypus on June 07 2006, 08:58 pm ---Compare the list of words to the url. Does some look the same? :) What are they trying to say? ^^

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i still don't get lvl 5 0.o


--- Quote from: Elysia Silvermoon on June 08 2006, 01:19 am ---i still don't get lvl 5 0.o

--- End quote ---
Ok, let me arrange the list of words like this:
riddle life star . php
Does it look similar in certain ways? ^^

@ Elysia-san

- Look close at the list of words and compare them to the current URL
- Next one, understand the given clue esp. the 2nd clue
- Lastly, have a lot of patience ^^ Cool off


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