General Discussions > Anything goes...

The "My computer hates me" Thread

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--- Quote from: Strawberry on June 07 2006, 06:43 am ---My laptop can only have access to dial up internet, stupid broadband doesn't work on my laptop for some reason so I have to use my brothers computer for the net.

--- End quote ---
In my expierience, all laptops have some sort of quirk like that.
I used to have one that always thought its memory was full, when it was nearly empty and I had defraged it too!

My computer: Beautiful, lovely, new (last year), good specs, runs everything, no bugs.... because It's not connected to the internet -.-
The Computer that is connected to the internet: 6 years old, upgraded to Windows XP, RAM "issues", buggy, explorer keeps freezing, hades adobe which I nead heaps for uni.

I would put my com downstairs but I use it heaps in my room and I dont want ot lose it (ha ha), plus I like it not being buggy

Bug free is the way to be!
Yeah, my first laptop was crazy and was never connected to the internet.

It's been kicking me off MSN all day.

Robin Sena:
Ashlee - You blew up a computer? *gasps*

Hmm... I only have minor annoyances on my PC, though my DSL sucks right now.


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