General Discussions > Anything goes...
The "My computer hates me" Thread
Oh I just love bashing my laptop. This thing's sole purpose is for viewing video files and as a storage system. Everything else it just fails.
to me, it after a few minutes, it freeze...
like it won't open a window XP
Slow computer + slow network connection = bad time for work. I decided to paste a "Do Not Touch - Ancient Artifact" sign on my office computer instead of complaining.
--- Quote from: Tenkouken on July 09 2006, 12:18 am ---Slow computer + slow network connection = bad time for work. I decided to paste a "Do Not Touch - Ancient Artifact" sign on my office computer instead of complaining.
--- End quote ---
haha..that's funny!
Well our scanner is slows everything down...
My other PC is like 5 years old. I though it would survive to windows XP, but it got slower!! And it takes like 5 minutes to start to run anyprogram!! oh! and also!! it can't turn off for itself!! I have to push the button like 10 seconds!!!
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