General Discussions > Anything goes...

do you play an instrument?

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I play a bright green alto saxophone ^^ no kidding and it's bigger then normal saxophones so I had to pay extra for a bigger case.

I used to play piano some years ago. And once, I took a guitar class but it didn't go that well...

I am not the best but i can play piano, guitar and flute^_^ *playing Naruto soung with is flute XD*

I play Piano, Flute, Violin, Chello, acoustic Guitar, Elextric Guitar, Bass Guitar, all percussion type instruments, Clarinet, Oboe, Trombone, and Trumpet.

It makes me look like a band geek but im really not kinda. When i was in eigth grade i was in a drumline into this year. So ok maybe i am... just forget it.

How can I compare to some of you???

Well, I play:
Flute, piccolo, a little piano, Irish tin Whistle, and my vocal chords.

Most of the time I play my best if I learn something by ear...


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