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do you play an instrument?

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i play cello for 9 years. Next year I am going to the Music Academy! I won many competitions. Music is my life!

Emperor Shaoran:
I play guqin (Chinese seven-stringed zither) for over 2 and a half years. Had a few hours with Prof. Li Xiangting and a week of study with Zeng Chengwei, but am mostly self taught with a repetoire of around 10 pieces.

Xiao (bamboo end-blown flute) which is like a shakuhachi but longer. Self-taught on and off, mostly learning it to accompany qin.

Pipa (four-stringed pear-shaped lute). On and off had a few lessons with Cheng Yu.

At the age of 7 I started to teach myself how to play the piano by listening to music. I would turn on the radio and I was able to play the tune just from listening. By the 5th grade, I started to play the clarinet, but it was hard because I couldn't learn by ear and my grades dropped, so my mom made me give it up by 6th grade. I had to read music which isn't exactly my skill. I prefer to listen and accompany the music.

By age 17, my mom signed me up for guitar lessons, and I was able to learn up to the 5th string, but I got a job at that time. Different than the job I have now. Because of that, I had to give up the lessons. I still have the guitar, but it's in storage under my bed. One day I'll make sure I learn to play all 6 strings. Now, because I have a class called Early Childhood Music, so I'm re-learning the recorder. The last time I played one was in the 5th grade.

I also love to sing. I'm trying to teach myself how to hit a really high note. I'm soprano, but my voice sometimes falters if I go to high. I also taught myself how to switch from soprano to alto. Not easy, but I can finally do it.

i used to play the recorder back in the seventh grade

I played the flute once in another life  (called 5th-8th grade)
recoder looong time ago and some self taught piano 
but my forte is the keyboard!  (computer keyboard that is! lol)


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