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how do you use gendou(a website)?i registered already.also,do you have to pay to get songs


--- Quote from: shishio99 on June 07 2006, 02:27 pm ---how do you use gendou(a website)?i registered already.also,do you have to pay to get songs

--- End quote ---

after logging in you just go to anime music-download, then you enter the anime you want songs of in the search bar, go through the list of the anime's songs, right click on the name of the song you want and click save as

(you don't have to pay)

i have a problem when i save target as... it says this: internet explorer cannot download ______(song name) .mp3 from a connection with the server could not be established.

Kina, The Dark Keyblade Master:

--- Quote from: shishio99 on June 07 2006, 02:27 pm ---how do you use gendou(a website)?i registered already.also,do you have to pay to get songs

--- End quote ---

I only go to gendou for the songs and nope, you don't have to pay


--- Quote from: shishio99 on June 07 2006, 03:53 pm ---i have a problem when i save target as... it says this: internet explorer cannot download ______(song name) .mp3 from a connection with the server could not be established.

--- End quote ---

you're logged in right? otherwise i don't know what could be wrong


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