Holy flying crud monkies! How did you get to 3 pages before I got home? o_O; *reads the chappie*
Ohh, Sakura-chaaaan! Time to wake up, dear! Look at what your boyfriend has done!!

Buhuhuwahaha. Mental scars. Huzzah. Well, without translation, Kamui x Subaru is looking rather canon, in this world, which is a super yay, as it was my prefered Kamui pairing in X.
But now he's all.... armless. o_O; But dear god, I hope to god that Syaoran gets to see his Yin's 'handy-work'. Can anyone say emo? TOTAL EMO! YESH!

Then he and his evil twin can match, and I'll make them matching outfits. *Tomoyo laugh*
*cough* Yesssss.... this was good. Now Fai gets to get bloodied, I hope, by Yin. Either that or we just get a confrontation.
Fai: With my awesome magic of doooom, I totally can tell you're evil!
Yin-Syao: Am not!
Fai: Are to, bi-otch. Spill the details.
Yin-Syao: *insert cryptic message, relating to 'the end of the dream'*