AuthorTopic: Do you believe in Powers? like phycics?  (Read 15531 times)

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Re: Do you believe in Powers? like phycics?
« Reply #20 on: June 16 2006, 08:50 am »
A ghost is nothing to be feard. It is the enegry  that is left of a person when they die. There astral body leaves the physical. The physical body, well its atoms disperse back into nature, and the energy of the body, stays here. It is nothing to be feared, actually, it can do no harm. That energy may be programmed, like if someone loved another, that energy may stick close to them, but it is nothing to be feared. It is like leftover presence of somebody. Of course, more eneretic people leave stronger 'ghosts'.....

I beleive in pundelums, and have had a lot of sucess from them. I am not going to convince you, you beleive what you feel is right in your won heart, that is what is mportant.

And the Aura machine, i cant reember what it is caleed, but some of the pictures it takes, look amazing. I have to email my mate about that.

Any other questions, feel free to ask.

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Re: Do you believe in Powers? like phycics?
« Reply #21 on: June 16 2006, 09:00 am »
if you watch Ghost Hunters on SciFi, youll see that theye come across ALOT of solid eidence of ghosts.

I must say I am sceptical when it comes down to pendulums. When you want it to swing and concentrate really hard on it, your body reacts with tiny, tiny movements, undetectable for the eye, which makes the pendulum swing the desired way - even if you don't concentrate on any particular way, it is still nearly impossible to hold your hand perfectly still, and the pendulum will start showing tendencies to show either way. When you detect this, you will most likely go "Alright! it's working! C'mon, swing!". Enter tiny movements and so it goes.
well, it works anyways. ican hold my hand still, pluss if i move my hand it doesnt determin the way it swings. in anycase, like i said, , i only ask yes or no questions.and ocasionaly to point me in the direction of something ive lost.  i dont use it like a ouiji board. those things can raise hioddin spirits or somehting.

also, i think i forgot to mention, that i have more or less powerful instincts. i can tell if something's wrong. forinstance, once when i was out shopping with my mom, for some reason a thought came to me that my best friend had vbeen hurt. so i started thinking really bad thoughts, (IE hed been hospitalized..[using my negating power]) and the next chence i got to talk to him, he told me he fell off a really high ladder, and it would have been a wors fall had he not kept grabbing the shelves to slow his descent.
When you fall in love, gender does not matter. You can't help who your heart chooses, it just HAPPENS. So don't try to fight it, you'll only end up hurt.

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Re: Do you believe in Powers? like phycics?
« Reply #22 on: June 16 2006, 03:24 pm »
i believe in phsycics(and Psychos too hehe...)

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Re: Do you believe in Powers? like phycics?
« Reply #23 on: June 16 2006, 04:18 pm »
Basically anything supernatural for me I believe. (otherwise, it's boring)

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Re: Do you believe in Powers? like phycics?
« Reply #24 on: June 16 2006, 07:53 pm »
Thats good to see people have more sense here, than anywhere else i ahve been :D

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Re: Do you believe in Powers? like phycics?
« Reply #25 on: June 17 2006, 02:56 pm »
heh, theres a couple things i forgot(cant expect ne to remeber ALL at once :sweatdrop:

When playing a CD on my CD player 9 times out of 10, i KNOW what the next song will be when playing it on randome/skip
this only works with my CD player tho. forsome reason i cant do it with my MP3 player. proably cuz its TOO randome.

also this may be about my instincts, but somethings jsut COME to me, like i KNOW something will happen. For instance, in latin 4 AP, we had this secret santa thing. when i pulled the name that will be my person, it came to me that my latin teacher was my secret santa. now that is something that youd WANT to happene (when he buys a present for something, he goes ALL OUT) i just KNEW it was him, but i didnt want my hopes to be high, so instead of thinking of what he could get me, i used my negating powers to "fool myself" into thinking he wasnt. in the end he was, and he bought me a WHOLE LOT of harry potter junk. :D
When you fall in love, gender does not matter. You can't help who your heart chooses, it just HAPPENS. So don't try to fight it, you'll only end up hurt.

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Re: Do you believe in Powers? like phycics?
« Reply #26 on: June 17 2006, 08:48 pm »
Lol, that is great. What interesting abilities. Does anyone else have any interesting abilities?

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Re: Do you believe in Powers? like phycics?
« Reply #27 on: July 03 2006, 11:50 am »
I DO belive!!

One of my abilities, is knowing exactly when my mother is going to shout me "WAKE UP ALREADY!!!!!!" Even if i'm sleeping or there is any noice!!
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Re: Do you believe in Powers? like phycics?
« Reply #28 on: July 03 2006, 11:56 am »
I DO belive!!

One of my abilities, is knowing exactly when my mother is going to shout me "WAKE UP ALREADY!!!!!!" Even if i'm sleeping or there is any noice!!
Same here. I just know  :shifty:

Also, When I lying in bed, I know two things

One, my alarm will go off soon  :(
two, i'm late  :sweatdrop:
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Re: Do you believe in Powers? like phycics?
« Reply #29 on: July 03 2006, 12:15 pm »
I believe in it all. Altho I would rather not think about the possibility of my dead mother watching me...I still believe in anything "paranormal". Most of the theories I heard here sound logical and I have ALWAYS wanted to be able to fly, or even better in my opinion go underwater for any length of time u wish to(without any gear or anything). lol kinda like in pokemon where people sometimes stay underwater for a really, really long time before realizing they need air  :sweatdrop:

I luv the water tho

I wanna fly high so I can reach the highest of the heavens, Somone will be waiting for me so I gotta fly higher...

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Re: Do you believe in Powers? like phycics?
« Reply #30 on: July 03 2006, 01:51 pm »
Same here. I just know  :shifty:

Also, When I lying in bed, I know two things

One, my alarm will go off soon  :(
two, i'm late  :sweatdrop:
ive had dreams like that with my old alarm clock. i dream that sometihng sets it off, and when i awak, someone in my head said "ooops. sorry" or something similar. id O_o
When you fall in love, gender does not matter. You can't help who your heart chooses, it just HAPPENS. So don't try to fight it, you'll only end up hurt.

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Re: Do you believe in Powers? like phycics?
« Reply #31 on: July 03 2006, 02:07 pm »
wow..i was just readng through this topic..interesting. Powers... hmm? well i believe in mom used to have many premonitions about othe people...when she was 10 she had a dream her cousin would die and within a week...her aunts found her cousin's body lying on the ground....dead....for a while some of her family even feared her...but that stopped...

...i think PSI-wise...people are all gifted....maybe in some way each person is extrasensory perceptionally talented

heh, theres a couple things i forgot(cant expect ne to remeber ALL at once :sweatdrop:

When playing a CD on my CD player 9 times out of 10, i KNOW what the next song will be when playing it on randome/skip
this only works with my CD player tho. forsome reason i cant do it with my MP3 player. proably cuz its TOO randome.

also this may be about my instincts, but somethings jsut COME to me, like i KNOW something will happen. For instance, in latin 4 AP, we had this secret santa thing. when i pulled the name that will be my person, it came to me that my latin teacher was my secret santa. now that is something that youd WANT to happene (when he buys a present for something, he goes ALL OUT) i just KNEW it was him, but i didnt want my hopes to be high, so instead of thinking of what he could get me, i used my negating powers to "fool myself" into thinking he wasnt. in the end he was, and he bought me a WHOLE LOT of harry potter junk. :D

the music part happened to me too....i put my laptop on shuffle and was lying on my bed reading..then in an instant i suddenly knew what the next song was going to it played like an echo effect in my head....there was this other time when i had a dream my friend, tori was going to sprain her ankle and end up in a cast.....and the next day she was walking on crutches...

...sometimes..i think i can tell EXACTLY how a person is if they are talking to me...i doesn't matter WHAT they are saying...i kinda just hear their voice..and i know if they are lying..or trying to be nice...or assuming somthing about me without saying so...

i guess you really got me going on this power stuff... :heh:

ever since i was little....i can jump out of the way of a target..ok like people used to always throw balls at me as a prank...and even when i didn't pay attention.....when it was right about to hit me i would move....just my body knew what was coming but my mind didn't.....othertimes..i can tell when a person is going to be in when i knew something bad was about to happen to my sister.....

there's this other thing too...but i cant remember ah..well...

i hope this wasn't to long winded :sweatdrop:

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Re: Do you believe in Powers? like phycics?
« Reply #32 on: July 03 2006, 02:09 pm »
oh wait...there are times when i suddenly KNOW something...out nowhere...and i shoot out an answer or figure out something..with such great certainty...i dont even know where it came from.....but i can FEEL that i am absolutley right about whatever just came too...

gahh...this is sounding so weird...sorry... :XD:

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Re: Do you believe in Powers? like phycics?
« Reply #33 on: July 03 2006, 02:57 pm »
I see ghost, and I hardly tell people about my ability/curse, but since this is here, why not.....
What I see are people who do not know they died, or have died a violent death, I have one in my laundary room, his name is Hank, I'm not going into detail on how I found out about him....just some old gold miner.....

So do I beleive in phycics, yes, but not the people on TV, like the John Edward guy, or whatever zipzadoda wana be a phycic is on, because for one thing, real ghost seerers, phycics or what ever other powers maybe, do not like to be known, and wish to live normal life, which is easy unless the ghost wants to have fun, in turn scarring people, but over all, they wont hurt you, and if they won't leave you alone, tell them to go away.

Pundelums, in my oppion are nice decorations, and do nothing, EVP won't do, I see them, I dont want to hear them too, weigi board, or what ever its called, I would never do as well, if you want something bad to happen, I say stay away.

Who I feel sorry for are those with Postcognition, seeing the past and not being able to do anything, and Precognition, seeing the future, still trying to change it, but the events will still happen because no one will beleive them.

Over all, people who don't know or think they don't have an abilty, has an abilty, most people have is ESP, where one person talks to another with out voice but with the mind, or a 30 sec or more, could say a day or two precognition ability in a dream state, but is forgotten sometimes. So what I consider is normal for people to have an abilty, flying may not be one of them, but it is what your mental mind makes it.

If anyone would like, I could post more on the subject at hand..

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Re: Do you believe in Powers? like phycics?
« Reply #34 on: July 04 2006, 11:22 am »
well..... i do believe in powers and sometimes i fell like i am using them. for example i know what people going to say and dream of what is going to happen......

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Re: Do you believe in Powers? like phycics?
« Reply #35 on: July 07 2006, 08:55 am »
Yes I believe. I can see ghost's along with my two sisters. Not the floaty orb ones but the one's that have a human body and can see through them (I think it's from my family's bloodline since they can too, mostly the girls.) My house is filled with ghost's or spirits... I can also pick up on my sister's thoughts vice-versa, she'll be thinking something and I would suddenly say it. I have dreams that come true and my sister can speak to the dead through her dreams. My little sister can hear their voices. I don't know about this but once when i had a huge headache I was staring at an eagle figurine and it litterally exploded and everyone was like O.O what happened?!!
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Re: Do you believe in Powers? like phycics?
« Reply #36 on: July 07 2006, 09:05 am »
hhumppfff....I don't know what to say. I hasn't seen ghosts yet. Paranormal either. It would be cool,; since I was a child I wished be a witch XD

the only abilitie I have is useless:Sometimes when I'm too tired, in dreams I can see what's going to happen,but when I wake up I forget it speedly, as I hasn't dreamt it. When time has passed, I live that moment that I've dreamt (6 months or 1 year later)

but, Sokasato confuses it true?

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Re: Do you believe in Powers? like phycics?
« Reply #37 on: July 07 2006, 09:11 am »
No. Im not lying!!! Everyting I wrote is true. My family has always been associated with ghosts but they tend to turn a blind eye. It was my grandmother who told me and my sisters that her grandmother was an old medicine woman that delt with spirits.
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Re: Do you believe in Powers? like phycics?
« Reply #38 on: July 07 2006, 04:03 pm »
Yes Sokasato, powers can be passed on from family to family.
My father moved into this house, in which three people died in 1970, Mother, Father, Son.
At the time, my father was single, and had three jobs, so he didn't live much at home, so one day when he was home, he went to do some house work and saw a family of three, say he was a good man to stay at their house, he never saw them again. That was until Weeks later, my dad is at work and get a call from a friend saying his house was broken in, my dad left work and came home to find everything in the center of the room, nothing was stollen, the only thing broken was the window the guy broke into, and the screen door was broken too, like the person left in a hurry. The father ghost was there and didn't say a thing and just walked away, my dad thanked them. Years later, my dad owned two houses, and would rent out the one with the ghost to people he worked with, it was four people that rented that house, and all had starnge things happen to them, but the fourth person stuck it out all they way to the end. The 1st person, was a lady, she stayed for a week, but moved out, saying she heard voices of hate everywhere, the 2nd lady,  was very healthy, but once she moved in, she got sick, she moved out and got better, the 3rd was a man, who only stayed a day, he had stuff being tossed at him, and the 4th, was my mother, they tryed to mess with her, voices, moving things around, turning the water on and off, she told them to quit and leave her alone, she too saw the family of three, telling her they were sorry and a good girl, she stayed and lived at the house, telling my father about the events that had happen and about the three ghost that resided there. Then somewhere along the way they got marryed and had me and my sister, I see the ghost, as my sister lost her ability over time, but from time to time she will see them. My father is a Cheif Indian this coming from a long line of desenends, don't get me started with GrandPa Cheif RattleSnakes storys, and my mothers side.....Slavainan Gypsy about two Generations ago. So yes, powers can be passed on, on how the power is more intune is how the child is raised.

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Re: Do you believe in Powers? like phycics?
« Reply #39 on: July 07 2006, 11:07 pm »
I get wierd visions sometimes, but they're usually very vague or very vivid and sometimes have some wierd symbolism... I'll know peoplw are dead before anyone tells me and such. Someone will start talking to me about something and things eill start to pop into my head about the event or events to cone because of it... It's wierd though...I can't do it on cammand or, I just use tarot cards the rest of the time.

I'm also a firm believer in the "be careful what you wish for" deal. Uh, I wished my history teacher ill once and it really happened, and half of my class had heard me, so when she came in to tell us about her awful plane ride home, they all looker really creeped out and started stareing at me. (i think thet was a coincidence, but...)
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