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Do you believe in Powers? like phycics?

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Sailor Yue-chan:
heh, theres a couple things i forgot(cant expect ne to remeber ALL at once :sweatdrop:

When playing a CD on my CD player 9 times out of 10, i KNOW what the next song will be when playing it on randome/skip
this only works with my CD player tho. forsome reason i cant do it with my MP3 player. proably cuz its TOO randome.

also this may be about my instincts, but somethings jsut COME to me, like i KNOW something will happen. For instance, in latin 4 AP, we had this secret santa thing. when i pulled the name that will be my person, it came to me that my latin teacher was my secret santa. now that is something that youd WANT to happene (when he buys a present for something, he goes ALL OUT) i just KNEW it was him, but i didnt want my hopes to be high, so instead of thinking of what he could get me, i used my negating powers to "fool myself" into thinking he wasnt. in the end he was, and he bought me a WHOLE LOT of harry potter junk. :D

Lol, that is great. What interesting abilities. Does anyone else have any interesting abilities?

I DO belive!!

One of my abilities, is knowing exactly when my mother is going to shout me "WAKE UP ALREADY!!!!!!" Even if i'm sleeping or there is any noice!!


--- Quote from: princesslore on July 03 2006, 11:50 am ---I DO belive!!

One of my abilities, is knowing exactly when my mother is going to shout me "WAKE UP ALREADY!!!!!!" Even if i'm sleeping or there is any noice!!

--- End quote ---
Same here. I just know  :shifty:

Also, When I lying in bed, I know two things

One, my alarm will go off soon  :(
two, i'm late  :sweatdrop:

I believe in it all. Altho I would rather not think about the possibility of my dead mother watching me...I still believe in anything "paranormal". Most of the theories I heard here sound logical and I have ALWAYS wanted to be able to fly, or even better in my opinion go underwater for any length of time u wish to(without any gear or anything). lol kinda like in pokemon where people sometimes stay underwater for a really, really long time before realizing they need air  :sweatdrop:

I luv the water tho


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